image - Sacramento waterfront

Regulatory Program Workshops

Regulatory Program Workshops are held regularly  to provide the public with the information about Corps permit requirements and updates on program execution in the Sacramento District.  The workshop is open to interested parties, including the regulated public, consultants, environmental organizations, and Federal, State, and local agencies.

Workshop Information

Collapse All Expand All
 Regulatory Program Workshop – June 13, 2024
 Regulatory Program Workshop – March 29, 2024
 Regulatory Program Workshop – March 14, 2024
 Regulatory Program Workshop – March 8, 2024

Video recording:

 Regulatory Program Workshop – December 13, 2023

Video recording:

 Regulatory Program Workshop – December 8, 2023

Video recording:

 Regulatory Program Workshop – Nov. 1, 2023
 Regulatory Program Workshop – Sept. 15, 2023

Agenda & Presentations:
1. Opening Remarks
2. Section 408 Permission Overview
3. Regional General Permit 8, Emergency Repair and Protection Activities
    a. Considerations in Addition to RGP 8
    b. Regional General Permit 8 for Emergency Repair and Protection Activities
4. Closing Remarks

Recorded presentation (YouTube)

 Regulatory Program Workshop - June 9, 2023

1. Common PCN Issues
2. Lead Federal Agency Determinations
3. Minimum Standards for Aquatic Resource Delineations
4. South Pacific Division Map and Drawing Standards
5. California Statewide Wildfire Activities RGP
6. Questions

Recorded presentation (YouTube)

 Regulatory Project Workshop / Section 106, 2022 Waters of the U.S. Rule, and Permit Compliance (2023.01.20)
 Permit Types and Process for New Nationwide Permits (2022-10-21)
 Endangered Species Act Consultation, Section 408/404 Integration, and Indirect Effects (2022-07-15)
 Nationwide Permits (2022-04-22)
 Compensatory Mitigation and the Mitigation Rule (2022-01-21)
 Jurisdiction Pre-NWPR - (2021-10-22)
 Delineation Tools and Requirements - (2021-07-16)
 Lake Tahoe Basin Permitting (June 22, 2021)

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District, held a virtual Regulatory Program Workshop on Tuesday, June 22, 2021, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Subject: Lake Tahoe Basin Permitting.

Watch the Lake Tahoe Basin Regulatory Program Workshop

Agenda items

  1. Introduction to Presentation
  2. Regulatory Program Brief
  3. Permit types
  4. Permit Applications
  5. New Water Quality Certification Rule (401)

The workshop was open to all interested parties, including the regulated public, consultants, environmental organizations, and representatives from tribes, federal, state, county and local agencies. Originally established in 2006 as the “Regulatory Information Forum,” Regulatory Program Workshops are held periodically to provide the public with information about Corps permit requirements and updates on program execution in the Sacramento District. This workshop focused on the District’s permitting process in the Lake Tahoe Basin. 

If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Thomason at

 Nationwide Permits (April 23, 2021)
 Mitigation Plans, 401 Cert, Indirect Effects (March 10, 2021)
 Permit Application Review and Processing (January 15, 2021)
 Jurisdiction - Navigable Waters Protection Rule (October 23, 2020)

Jurisdiction - Navigable Waters Protection Rule (September 17, 2020)


Navigable Waters Protection Rule Slides

What:             Regulatory Program Workshop

When:            Thursday, September 17, 2020 

                        10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Mountain Time

Where:          Webinar, via Cisco WebEx


1.  Opening Remarks

2.  Regulatory Program Update

3.  Overview of Navigable Waters Protection Rule

4.   Questions

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District, Bountiful Field Office will hold its next Regulatory Program Workshop on Thursday, September 17, 2020, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Mountain Time via webinar.

The Sacramento District holds the Regulatory Program Workshop to provide the public with information about Corps’ permit requirements and updates on program execution in the Sacramento District.  The workshop is open to interested parties including the regulated public, consultants, environmental organizations, and Federal, state and local agencies.  Similar workshops are held in other locations in the Sacramento District’s area of responsibility, including Sacramento California, Bountiful, Utah and Grand Junction, Colorado. More information about the Regulatory Program Workshops, including past presentations, can be found at:

This workshop will focus on the Navigable Waters Protection Rule that defines “waters of the United States” (WOTUS) and clarifies the limits of federal control under the Clean Water Act.  The final rule was published in the Federal Register on April 22, 2020 and became effective on June 22, 2020.

Notification email

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District, will hold the next Regulatory Program Workshop (RPW) on Thursday, September 17, 2020 from 10 am to 12 pm Mountain Time.  This RPW will be conducted virtually via webinar.

There is no charge for the workshop but space is limited to 75 people, with no more than two people attending per organization.  Register for the workshop by emailing with the subject line reading “Regulatory Program Workshop” and your name, organization name, email and telephone number in the body of the message.  Your email should be received by September 11, 2020. Unfortunately, due to space and security issues, those who did not register will be turned away.  Instructions on how to join the webinar will be sent to registered attendees the week of the RPW.

Non-US citizens need to immediately contact the identified Point of Contact to ensure Foreign Visit Request (FVR) forms are completed 60 days in advance of the published course start date.  Non-US citizens will not be allowed to attend if the FVR is not completed, submitted within the specified timeframe, and approved by the designated authority.

If you sign up for the workshop and later find you are unable to attend, please notify us by sending an email to  as soon as possible so that others may attend.

Information about Regulatory Program Workshops can be found at:

If you have any questions, please contact Jason Gipson at 801-725-1275 or

 Mitigation Banking Program - (2020-07-31)
 Navigable Waters Protection Rule - (Sacramento, CA - February 20, 2020)

1.  Agenda
2.  Regulatory Program Brief 
3.  Clean Water Act Jurisdiction - Navigable Waters Protection Rule Slides
4.  Clean Water Act Jurisdiction - Navigable Waters Protection Rule Presentation Video


 Permits - Colorado on the Colorado Mitigation Procedures (COMP) and Colorado Stream Quantification Tool (CSQT) (Grand Junction - October 30, 2019)
 Permits - Boundaries - Paperless Submission - Minimum Standards (Reno - July 30, 2019)
 Permits,  Jurisdiction- PCN-Application, Jurisdiction, Mitigation  (Durango - May 10, 2019)

Announcement of Next Regulatory Program Workshop in Durango, CO

What: Regulatory Program Workshop
When: Friday, May 10, 2019, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Where: San Juan Public Lands Office, 15 Burnett Ct, Sonoran Rooms A-C, Durango, Colorado 81301

Tentative Agenda:

1. Opening Remarks
2. Sacramento District Regulatory Program Execution and Performance
3. Contents of a Complete Preconstruction Notification and Permit Application
4. Jurisdiction Determination – Regulatory Guidance Letter 16-01
5. Regional Compensatory Mitigation and Monitoring Guidelines (2015)
6. Questions

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District, will hold its next Regulatory Program Workshop on
Friday, May 10, 2019, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm at the San Juan Public Lands Office, Sonoran Rooms A-C.
Originally established as the “Regulatory Information Forum” in 2006, Regulatory Program Workshops are held to
provide the public with information about Corps permit requirements and updates on program execution in the
Sacramento District. The workshop is open to all interested parties including the regulated public, consultants,
environmental organizations, and federal, state, and local agencies.

There is no charge for the workshop but space is limited to 75 people, with no more than two people attending per
organization. Register for the workshop by emailing Ms. Candace Knight at
with the subject line reading “Regulatory Program Workshop” and your name, organization name, email and
telephone number in the body of the message. Your email should be received by May 8, 2019.

We appreciate your interest in the Corps’ Regulatory Program. If you have any questions, please contact
Susan Nall at 970-243-1199 or

 Permits - District’s paperless submission process, the Utah SHPO’s revised standards for submitting documents, compensatory mitigation plans and the Utah Letter of Permission (LOP) procedures (Bountiful, Utah - May 29, 2019)

Subject: Announcement of Next Regulatory Program Workshop in Utah

What: Regulatory Program Workshop

When: Wednesday, May 29, 2019, 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm

Where: Davis County Library-South Branch (Bountiful) Auditorium (lower level), 725 South Main Street, Bountiful, Utah 84010

Tentative Agenda:

1. Opening Remarks
2. Sacramento District Regulatory Program Execution and Performance
3. Sacramento District Regulatory Division Paperless Submission Process
4. Utah State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Standards for Submitting Documents
5. Compensatory Mitigation Plans
6. Utah Letter of Permission (LOP) procedures
7. Final Remarks

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District, will hold a Regulatory Program Workshop on Wednesday, May 29, 2019, from 1-3:30 pm in the Auditorium at the South Branch-Davis County Library, located in Bountiful, Utah, at 725 South Main Street. The Auditorium is located on the lower level and is accessible by elevator or stairs. The library parking lot has limited spaces but the entrance to a larger adjacent parking area is available to the south.

The May 29th workshop is open to all interested parties, including the regulated public, consultants, environmental organizations, and representatives from tribes, federal, state, county and local agencies. Originally established in 2006 as the “Regulatory Information Forum,” Regulatory Program Workshops are held periodically to provide the public with information about Corps permit requirements and updates on program execution in the Sacramento District. Local project managers will be available to meet attendees. This workshop will focus on the District’s paperless submission process, the Utah SHPO’s revised standards for submitting documents, compensatory mitigation plans and the Utah LOP procedures. Advanced questions are encouraged and may be sent to

There is no charge for the workshop but space is limited to 75 people. Participation by webinar is also an option. To register to attend the workshop or to request access information to participate by webinar, email Ms. Jana Strong at with subject line reading “Utah Regulatory Program Workshop.” The email should include your name, organization, email address, telephone number in the body of the email, and also state whether you plan to attend in person or to participate by webinar. For logistical purposes, we ask that attendees register no later than Thursday, May 23rd. Unfortunately, those who do not pre-register may be turned away if space is not available.

If you signed up for the workshop and find you are unable to attend, please notify Ms. Strong as soon as possible so that another may attend.

If you have any questions, please contact Jason Gipson at 801-295-8380 x 8314 or

 Permits - Section 10/404 Nationwide Permits and Section 408 Overview (Redding, CA - March 6, 2019)
 Permits - Sections 408, 404/10 Overview/Integration and Endangered Species Act Coordination and Compliance (Sacramento - January 18, 2019)
 Permits - Cultural Resources and Compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (Grand Junction - Nov 29, 2018)
 Jurisdiction - how the 2015 Clean Water Rule changes jurisdictional determinations in California (Sacramento - October 26, 2018)
 Permits - Alternative Analysis 404(b)(1) (Sacramento - July 13, 2018)
 Permits - Permitting Overview (Bountiful - May 31, 2018)
 Permits - Aquatic Resource Jurisdictional Determinations; Scope of Analysis (Sacramento - April 13, 2018)
 Permits - Compliance with NHPA 106 (Sacramento - January 19, 2018)
 Permits - 2017 NWPs and Compliance with ESA (Durango - November 2, 2017 )

When: Thursday, November 2, 2017
              8:30 pm to 12:00 pm

Where: San Juan Public Lands Office,  15 Burnett Ct, Sonoran Rooms A-C,  Durango, Colorado 81301

Tentative Agenda:

1. Opening Remarks (Susan Nall of USACE)
2.  Sacramento District Regulatory Program Execution and Performance
3. 2017 Nationwide Permits (Kara Hellige of USACE)
4. Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (Terry Ireland of USFWS)
5. Biological Assessment Requirements (Terry Ireland)
6. Identification and Habitat Requirements - Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, New Mexcio Meadow Jumping Mouse, and Yellow-Billed Cuckoo (Terry Ireland)
6. Questions

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District, will hold its next Regulatory Program Workshop on Thursday, November 2, 2017 from 8:30pm to 12:00 pm at the San Juan Public Lands Office.

Originally established as the “Regulatory Information Forum” in 2006, the Regulatory Program Workshop is held quarterly to provide the public with information about Corps’ permit requirements and updates on program execution in the Sacramento District. The workshop is open to all interested parties including the regulated public, consultants, environmental organizations, and Federal, state and local agencies.

There is no charge for the workshop but space is limited to 75 people. If space becomes limited we will ask that no more than two people attend per organization. Register for the workshop by emailing Ms. Kara Hellige at with the subject line reading “Regulatory Program Workshop” and your name, organization name, email and telephone number in the body of the message. Your email should be received by November 1, 2017. Unfortunately, due to space and security issues, those who did not register will be turned away.

If you signed up for the workshop and later find you are unable to attend, please notify Ms.Hellige as soon as possible so that another may attend.

More information about the Regulatory Program Workshops, including past workshops, can be found at:

We appreciate your interest in the Corps’ Regulatory Program. If you have any questions, please contact Michael Jewell at 916-557-6605 or

 Permits -  Permit Types (October 20, 2017)

When: Friday, October 20, 2017, 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm

Where: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District Headquarters, 1325 J Street, Room 814, Sacramento, California 95814

Tentative Agenda:

1. Opening Remarks
2. Sacramento District Regulatory Program Update
3. Corps’ Section 10 and 404 Authority and Brief History of the Rivers and Harbors Act and the Clean Water Act
4. Types of Permits
5. Other Federal Laws and how they affect the Permit Process
6. Tips for successful submittals
7. General Permits and Habitat Conservation Plans
8. Questions

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District, will hold its next Regulatory Program Workshop on Friday, October 20, 2017, from 1:30pm to 4:00 pm at the Sacramento District Headquarters in Room 814.

Originally established as the “Regulatory Information Forum” in 2006, the Regulatory Program Workshop is held quarterly to provide the public with information about Corps’ permit requirements and updates on program execution in the Sacramento District. The workshop is open to all interested parties including the regulated public, consultants, environmental organizations, and Federal, state and local agencies.

There is no charge for the workshop but space is limited to 75 people, with no more than two people attending per organization. Register for the workshop by emailing Ms. Eileen Imamura at with the subject line reading “Regulatory Program Workshop” and your name, organization name, email and telephone number in the body of the message. Your email should be received by October 6, 2017. Unfortunately, due to space and security issues, those who did not register will be turned away.

If you signed up for the workshop and later find you are unable to attend, please notify Ms. Imamura as soon as possible so that another may attend.

More information about the Regulatory Program Workshops, including past workshops, can be found at:

We appreciate your interest in the Corps’ Regulatory Program. If you have any questions, please contact William Guthrie at 916-557-5269 or

 Permits -  Complete Applications and Mitigation Standards (Sacramento - July 14, 2017
 Nationwide Permits (Reno, NV - July 13, 2017)
 Nationwide Permits, RGL 16-01, and Automated Data Sheets (Bountiful, UT - April 25, 2017)
 Permits - 404(b)1 / NEPA Alternative Analysis

What:   Announcement of Next Regulatory Program Workshop

When: Friday, July 13, 2018, 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District Headquarters
1325 J Street, Room 814
Sacramento, California 95814

Tentative Agenda:

1. Opening Remarks
2. Sacramento District Regulatory Program Update
3. 404(b)(1) guidelines and alternatives information for Individual Permits
5. Final Remarks

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District, will hold the next Regulatory Program Workshop on Friday, July 13, 2018 from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm at the Sacramento District Headquarters in Room 814.

The Regulatory Program Workshop is held quarterly to provide the public with information about Corps’ Regulatory Program, including permit requirements. The workshop is open to interested parties including the regulated public, consultants, environmental organizations, and Federal, state and local agencies.

The July workshop will focus on the Corps’ 404(b)(1) guidelines and alternatives information requirements for Individual Permits. The workshop includes an overview of the regulations, how they relate to the overall permit process, and how applicants can provide better information, so we can make timely permit decisions.

There is no charge for the workshop but space is limited to 75 people, with no more than two people attending per organization. Register for the workshop by emailing Regulatory Division at with the subject line reading “Regulatory Program Workshop” and your name, organization name, email and telephone number in the body. Your email should be received by June 30, 2018. Unfortunately, due to space and security issues, those who did not register will be turned away.

If you signed up for the workshop and find you are unable to attend, please notify Ms. Imamura as soon as possible so that another may attend.

If you have any questions, please contact Paul Maniccia at 916-557-6704 or  

 Nationwide Permits, RGL 16-01, and Automated Data Sheets (Grand Junction, CO - April 18, 2017
 Permits - Permitting Overview (Sacramento - April 14, 2017)
 Delineations - Jurisdictional Determinations (Sacramento - January 27, 2017)
 Jurisdiction (Grand Junction, CO - October 12, 2016)
 Permits - Compensatory Mitigation (Sacramento - October 7, 2016)
 Permits - Complete Application, EPA Role and Mitigation and Monitoring Plans (Bountiful, UT - September 14, 2016)
 Permits and Jurisdiction Overview (St. George UT) - September 13, 2016)
 Permits - Section 408 and Integration with Clean Water Act Section 404 & Rivers and Harbors Act Section 10 (Sacramento - July 22, 2016)
 Permits - Types & Submittal Requirements (Grand Junction - April 12, 2016)

Announcement of Regulatory Program Workshop in Grand Junction 


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District, Grand Junction, CO Regulatory Office will hold the next Regulatory Program Workshop on Tuesday, April 12, 2016 from 1 – 3:30 pm at the Grand Junction City Clerk’s Office Auditorium, 250 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501.  The Auditorium is located on the first floor.


Tentative Schedule:

1. Opening Remarks & Introductions
2. Overview of Sacramento District Regulatory Program
3. Corps Regulatory Authorities, Jurisdiction & Exemptions
4. New 2016 Mapping & Drawing Standards
5. Pre-Construction Notice (PCN) and Regional & General Conditions
6. Wetland Data Sheets
7. Questions and Open Discussion

There is no charge for the workshop but space is limited to 100 people.  To register for the workshop, email Ms. Pat Logan at, with subject line reading “Regulatory Program Workshop in Grand Junction.”  Be sure to include your name, organization name, email address and telephone number in the body of the message.  Your email should arrive by April 5th.


 Permits - Compliance with ESA and NHPA 106 (Sacramento - April 1, 2016)
 Permits - Compliance with NHPA 106 (Bountiful - March 31, 2016)
 Permits -  Permitting Overview and Complete Application (Bountiful - March 16, 2016)
 Permits - Aquatic Resource Delineation and Mapping Standards, OHWM, PCN, and Mitigation (Durango - February 16, 2016)
 Jurisdiction (Sacramento - January 22, 2016)
 Permits - Permitting Overview (Sacramento - November 6, 2015)
 Permits - Complete Application (Sacramento - May 1, 2015)
 Permits - Compliance with Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines (Sacramento - February 13, 2015)
 Permits - Permit Requirements (Grand Junction - November 19, 2014)
 Jurisdiction (Sacramento - October 10, 2014)    
 Permits - Compensatory Mitigation (Sacramento - June 27, 2014)
 Permits - Compliance with NEPA and CWA 401 (Sacramento - March 14, 2014)
 Permits - Compliance with ESA and NHPA 106 (Sacramento - December 5, 2013)
 Permits - Types and Process (Sacramento - September 26, 2013)
 Jurisdiction (Sacramento - June 7, 2013)