US Army Corps of Engineers
Sacramento District Website

Banner - Image of Sacramento River

Current Page - Sacramento Levee Upgrades Project Overview

Link to Sacramento Levee Upgrades - American River Levee Work

Link to Sacramento Levee Upgrades - Sacramento River Levee Work

Link to Sacramento Levee Upgrades - Sacramento Weir Work

Sign up for Construction Updates

Project Information Tri-Fold

Sacramento Levee Upgrades Overview

Contact Information


For more information on
Sacramento Levee Upgrades,
please contact us at the following:



Mailing Address:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Sacramento District
1325 J Street, Room 1513
Sacramento, CA 95814


Reducing flood risk in Sacramento

Greater Sacramento, California, is often considered to be the most at-risk region in America for catastrophic flooding, relying on an aging system of levees, weirs and bypasses and Folsom Dam to reduce its flood risk. But that system, just like a chain, is only as strong as its weakest link. Together, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, California’s Central Valley Flood Protection Board, California Department of Water Resources, and the Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency have made tremendous progress in reducing the flood risk, but more work remains. Through the Bipartisan Budget Act, the Corps has received full upfront funding to modernize Sacramento's aging flood infrastructure. This allows us to more efficiently implement nearly $1.8 billion in upgrades to Sacramento's flood risk management system. The authorized work includes up to: 13 miles of seepage cutoff walls, 21 miles of bank protection, 5 miles of levee stabilization, 5 miles of levee raises and widening the Sacramento Weir and bypass.   

Current Project Activities

Contract Opportunities

Public Engagements

Sacramento Weir Widening Draft SEIS/SEIR Virtual Public Meeting
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Webinar Presentation Slides

Looking for more info about the neighboring LEBLS (Lower Elkhorn Basin Levee Study) Project?

American River Contract 2 -  Virtual Scoping Public Meeting
Monday, August 17, 2020
Webinar Presentation Slides


Sacramento River Contract 1/River Mile 55.2L Bank Protection - Draft SEA/SEIR Virtual Public Meeting 
Monday, July 27, 2020 
Meeting Primer & Frequently Asked Questions
Webinar Presentation Slides

Notice of Availability
Draft SEA/SEIR Report
Draft SEA/SEIR Appendices 


SREL Contract 2 - Draft Supplemental EA/EIR
Wednesday, July 22, 2020 

Meeting Primer & Frequently Asked Questions
Webinar Presentation Slides

Notice of Availability
Draft SEA/SEIR Report
Draft SEA/SEIR Appendices

American River Contract 1 - Draft SEA/SEIR Virtual Public Meeting
Wednesday June 15, 2020
Webinar Presentation Slides 


Construction Information for SREL Contract 1 Activities
In lieu of our public meeting, which was scheduled for March 12, we have provided the following narrated presentation to explain some of the impacts associated with our construction occurring this season. 
SREL Contract 1 Project Overview Presentation (17:35) 
SREL Contract 1 Presentation Slides/Graphics

Recent Documents

Sacramento Weir Widening Draft Supplemental EIS/EIR - July 2020
Notice of Availability
Draft SEIS/SEIR Report
Draft SEIS/SEIR Appendices

Sacramento River Erosion Contract 1/River Mile 55.2L Bank Protection Draft Supplemental EA/EIR - July 2020
Notice of Availability
Draft SEA/SEIR Report
Draft SEA/SEIR Appendices

Sacramento River East Levee Contract 2 Draft Supplemental EA/EIR - July 2020
Notice of Availability
Draft SEA/SEIR Report
Draft SEA/SEIR Appendices

American River Contract 1 Draft SEA/SEIR - June 2020
Notice of Availability
Draft SEA/SEIR Report
Draft SEA/SEIR Appendices
Frequently Asked Questions

Draft General Conformity Determination - March 2020
Notice of Availability (Updated) - Public comments are now due on May 1, 2020. 
Draft Report (with Appendix A - Draft NOx Offset Agreement)
Appendix B - Air Pollutant Emissions Methods and Results
Appendix C - Updated Emissions Summary Tables

Sacramento River East Levee Contract 1 Final EA/EIR - Nov 2019
Main Report

Beach Stone Lakes Mitigation Site Final Supplemental EA/IS - June 2019
Main Report

Reach D Contract 1 Final EA/IS - Mar 2019
Notice of Availability
Main Report

ARCF Draft Chief's Report - Jan 2016
To All Interested Parties Letter
Chief's Report

ARCF Final General Reevaluation Report - Jan 2016
Main Report

ARCF Final EIS-EIR - Jan 2016
Main Report