Sacramento River east levee from Farm Road upstream (north) to Elverta Road. The length of this reach is approximately 9.7 miles. The general improvements include widening the existing levee by construction of an adjacent levee, installation of approximately 4.3 miles of a seepage cutoff wall that ranges in depth between approximately 40 and 115 feet, and installation of approximately 5.6 miles of seepage berms that range in width from approximately 80 to 300 feet, and flattening the landside levee slope. A portion of the Reach B features were constructed by the Non Federal Sponsors upstream of approximately Powerline Rd, apart from several “windows” within the alignment that were left for the USACE to construct. The USACE Reach B contract spans along Garden Hwy from just downstream of Powerline Road, south to Farm Road and consists of 2.3 miles of adjacent levee construction, an irrigation pipeline relocation, improvements to Pumping Plant #3, and seepage berm construction. The contract number is W9123820C0002 and was awarded on Nov. 14, 2019 for $49,283,799.95.

Reach B I-5 Window: Government Pre-final inspection conducted 1 November 2022. Punch list in process. Final inspection date TBD. N. Bayou Way cannot be re-opened due to overhead communication line remaining about 13 feet above surface. Remaining contract work to be completed following relocation of overhead utilities including finalizing fill at current utility pole location, demolition of detour road, installation of cross gutter, and erosion protection of fill. Contractor plans to demobilize 4 November 2022. Reburial of cultural resources completed. The contract number is W9123821C0015 and was awarded on May 7, 2021 for $4,424,525.

Reach B PP#5: This is a Flood Damage Reduction project located just north of downtown Sacramento located in Reach B. Upgrading of interior drainage pumping plant and relocation of discharge pipes crossing levee. The design is 35% complete and construction is planned for the 2026 construction season.
Reach B Riverside Pumping Plant Relocation: On behalf of the Non Federal Sponsors, the Natomas Central Mutual Water Company (NCMWC) will be replacing the Riverside Pumping Plant and relocating the discharge pipes up and over the levee and above the 200-year flood elevation. This will occur in two phases with the first being the pumping plant replacement which was awarded in the Summer 2022 with construction 100% complete. The second phase is the relocation of the discharge pipes which is scheduled to begin late 2026.
Reach B Elkhorn Pumping Plant Relocation: On behalf of the NFS, the NCMWC will be replacing the Elkhorn Pumping Plant and relocating the discharge pipes up and over the levee and above the 200-year flood elevation. This will occur in two phases with the first being the pumping plant replacement which was awarded in April 2024 with construction beginning in Summer 2024 and lasting two seasons. The second phase is the relocation of the discharge pipes which is scheduled to begin late 2028.