Isabella Dam Safety Modification Project

Frequently Asked Questions

 What's the latest news about the construction of a permanent USFS Lake Isabella Visitor Center?

In January 2023, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District acquired the former Bank of America property at 6212 Lake Isabella Boulevard in Lake Isabella for relocation of the U.S. Forest Service visitor center after USFS selected the location as the preferred site for their new location following a rigorous USACE environmental study and planning process.

Earlier this year the Bank of America building was demolished by USACE contactors. Construction of the new USFS visitor center is expected to begin in early 2025 with completion in early 2026.

The former visitor center was displaced by construction of a new emergency spillway as part of the Isabella Dam Safety Modification Project and a temporary visitor center has been co-located with the USFS Lake Isabella fire station in the interim.

For more information, visit the Lake Isabella Visitor Center Webpage.

 What's a labyrinth weir?

Construction of the new emergency spillway between the main and auxiliary dams will include a 28-foot-tall, roughly 1,300-foot-wide "Labyrinth Weir" at the top of the spillway. The zig-zag-patterned pseudo-dam is designed to help regulate water flow through the emergency spillway rather than to hold it back like the main and auxiliary dams are designed to do.

Check out this video of the model our team constructed at Utah State University's Water Research Laboratory in Logan, Utah, during the planning and design phase of the project. It allowed our engineers to review the final hydraulic design—including the Labyrinth Weir—before construction of the thing begins.

 Why did it take USACE so long to fix the dam?

Given the multiple purposes of this dam facility and the long-term benefits it provides, we required thorough analysis of any modification to ensure public safety and benefits were not compromised by dam modifications.

Dam analysis and designs are complex technical efforts. Risk assessments must be performed to understand the extent of a problem and to evaluate options to fix the dams. In this case the dam had multiple deficiencies that required correction which increased the time required to understand and to start the fixes.

We also took great effort to comply with the National Environmental Protection Act and the Endangered Species Act which requires significant time to ensure that all requirements are met.

 What has the project accomplished?

The project team has accomplished these, as well as other actions:

  • Sealing the Borel conduit through the auxiliary dam.
  • Raising the main and auxiliary dams 16 feet to minimize the risk of over-topping.
  • Adding a filter and drain on the downstream slope of both dams to increase stability.
  • Improving stability of the existing spillway.
  • Creating an additional 300-foot-wide emergency spillway with a labyrinth weir.
 What's the project construction timeline?

Phase I construction was completed in Fall 2017. It included relocation of the USFS fire station in Lake Isabella and the USFS administrative building in Kernville, as well as construction of an interim boat launch at French Gulch to replace Boat Launch 19 until Phase II was complete, when Boat Launch 19 was reopened.

Phase II construction began in October 2018 and was substantially completed in 2022. Phase II included 16-foot raises to both the Main and Auxiliary Dams, along with improvements to both dams and the existing Service Spillway; and construction of a new 1,500-foot-long, 300-foot-wide, and 100-foot-deep Emergency Spillway where the former USFS fire station and USACE operations office once stood between the Main and Auxiliary Dams.

Phase III construction is currently underway. It includes the construction of a new USFS Visitor Center, as well as other facilities.


Supplemental EA #10, End of Emergency Deviation
Final FONSI - September 25, 2022
Final SEA - September 25, 2022
Appendix A - 2016 USFWS BO Update
Appendix B - 2000 USFWS BO and 2005 Amendment
Appendix C - 2008 USFWS Letter of Concurrence
Appendix D - USFWS Species List
Appendix E - Interested Parties Contacted
Draft FONSI – May 26, 2022
Draft SEA – May 26, 2022
Supplemental EA #9, Vegetation Mitigation
Final SEA/FONSI - November 4, 2022

Supplemental EA #8, USFS Visitor Center
To All Interested Parties Letter - April 12, 2021
Draft SEA - April 12, 2021
Final SEA - June 28, 2021

Isabella DSMP Timeline
Isabella DSMP Timeline as of Oct. 8, 2019


Contact Information

For more information on the
Isabella Dam Safety Modification Project
please contact us at:



Mailing Address:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Sacramento District
Isabella Dam Safety Modification Project
1325 J Street, Room 1640
Sacramento, CA 95814

Isabella Dam Safety Modification Project

Lake Isabella is located 40 miles northeast of Bakersfield, Kern County, California, and consists of an earthfill main dam and auxiliary dam across the Kern River and Hot Springs Valley, respectively. The dam was authorized under the Flood Control Act of 1944 and construction was completed in 1953.

The reservoir provides flood-risk management, irrigation and recreational benefits. With more than 300,000 people living and working below the dams, primarily in the town of Lake Isabella and the city of Bakersfield, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers began a dam safety modification study in 2006 to address seismic, hydrologic (potential over-topping during an extreme flood event) and seepage issues at the dams.

Following the signing of the Record of Decision in December 2012, USACE entered the Pre-Construction Engineering and Design phase of the project, and from 2013 to 2016, focused on design improvements to the existing dams and the relocation of U.S. Forest Service buildings located in the excavation footprint. Construction of the USFS warehouse/administrative buildings in Kernville and the USFS fire station in Lake Isabella were completed in 2017.

In September 2017, USACE awarded a $204 million contract to Flatiron/Dragados/Sukut Joint Venture of Benicia, California, to construct the Phase II dams and spillways modifications. Phase II was substantially completed in 2022.

Phase III construction is currently underway. It includes the construction of a new Isabella Lake Visitor Center operated by the U.S. Forest Service, as well as dam operations support facilities.

To date, the IDSMP project team has logged over 2.6 million exposure hours with no significant accidents or injuries—a massive achievement that speaks to our district's sustained culture of safety.

Project Awards

Contract Opportunities

USACE SPK DBB Construction - USFS Visitor's Center - Lake Isabella, CA
Notice ID: W9123824B0009

  • Original Published Date: Aug 15, 2024 10:52 am PDT
  • Original Date Offers Due: Sep 16, 2024 10:00 am PDT


Recreation and Water Levels

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 Recreation at Lake Isabella - managed by U.S. Forest Service
The Isabella reservoir offers fishing, boating, water sports, camping, and picnicking. Close proximity to Los Angeles and Bakersfield makes this lake a popular yearround vacation spot for southern Californians. The lake is one of the state’s most popular windsurfing areas; reliable afternoon winds, from 35-50 miles an hour, create ideal conditions for intermediate to advanced windsurfers. Enjoy shoreline camping and day use activities at Auxiliary Dam, Old Isabella Road, or South Fork Recreation Area with the purchase of a Southern Sierra Pass or other Interagency Pass. South Fork Wildlife Area, one of the most extensive riparian woodlands remaining in California, provides fishing, hunting, canoeing, and hiking opportunities; no developed recreation facilities are located here. When operating on the lake, every boat, personal watercraft, and sailboard must display a permit from Kern County. These permits may be obtained at any lake marina or at various locations throughout the Kern River Valley. Be sure to check for required safety equipment.
 Recreation passes and permits

More information on Annual, Senior, Access, Volunteer, and the Southern Sierra Passes including Fee-Free Days in 2017 can be viewed here:

Information is also available for Campfire Permits, River Permits, and Wilderness Permits at the same website. For more information, please contact the U.S. Forest Service at (760) 376-3781.

 Current water levels

Current pool levels, elevation, inflow and outflow levels for Lake Isabella can be viewed here:

 Campground information
Information on developed campgrounds at Lake Isabella, managed by the U.S. Forest Service, can be viewed here: 
 Water safety tips
  • Water safety tips from the Kern County sheriff's office can be viewed here.
  • Free loaner life jacket program information can be viewed here.