Success Lake

The Flood Control Act of 1944 authorized the Richard L. Schafer Dam/Success Lake project for flood control and water supply. This multipurpose facility also provides hydropower and the public land and water is managed for wildlife habitat and recreation opportunities. Construction of the earth-filled dam was completed in 1961. It spans 3,490 feet across the Tule River and is 142 feet high. When full, the lake holds 84,095 acre feet of water with a surface area of 2,450 acres.

Success Lake is in Tulare County approximately 8 miles east of Porterville, California. The western foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains provide a scenic location with State Highway 190 as the primary access route. This highway connects the project with State Highway 99, a major north-south corridor, which is approximately 25 miles west of the lake. State Highway 190 also connects with State Highway 65, which affords access from Visalia and Bakersfield to Porterville.

The Sierra Nevada foothills, 8 miles east of Porterville. View Map

Mailing Address:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Success Lake
P.O. Box 1072
Porterville, CA 93258

Information: 559-783-9200
Project Office: 559-784-0215
Fax: 559-784-5469


Office Hours:
Monday through Friday 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Closed holidays

From CA-99 (Golden State Highway), take SR 190 east to Success Lake.

Expand List item 25677Collapse List item 25677   Current Status  

All day use facilities, campgrounds and the project office are open to the public.

Camping reservations can be made now through

 Recreation Area Services Status

Expand List item 25678Collapse List item 25678   Recreation Area Info & Fees  

Day Use:
The Tule Recreation Area provides picnic sites, several group picnic shelters, and a playground. Just downstream of the dam is Bartlett Park with picnic tables, group picnic shelters, playgrounds, and a softball field. This county-operated park also has large fishing ponds for youngsters to try out their fishing skills. There is also a nature trail located below the dam.

 Success Lake and Schafer Dam Map

Park Ranger Programs:
Group hikes and park ranger programs can be scheduled by calling 559-784-0215.

The Tule Campground has 104 sites and is open year-round. Each site has a parking spur, table, fire pit, and grill. Conveniently located restrooms provide flush toilets and showers.

A maximum of eight people and two vehicles are allowed per site. Also note that camping is limited to 14 days in any 30-day period. Campfire programs are presented in the Tule Recreation Area every Saturday from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend.

Reservations can be made online or by calling 1-877-444-6777 (toll-free). When calling, please note that the name of our campground is Tule 2 and our I.D. number is 3451.

Success Lake offers excellent opportunities for water-skiing, sailing, and pleasure boating. Launch ramps are located in the Tule and Rocky Hill Recreation Areas.

Success Marina, located in the Tule Recreation Area, has a complete inventory of boating supplies, rentals, and fuel. For information about registration and operating regulations, contact the Tulare County Boat Patrol Office at 559-782-4797.


  • Day Use - $10, Annual $40
  • Camping  without electricity - $20
  • Camping  with electricity - $30

The Corps of Engineers participates in the America the Beautiful-Federal Recreational Lands Pass Series. The series includes the; Annual Pass, Every Kid Outdoors Pass available to 4th and 5th graders, Annual Senior Pass, Lifetime Senior Pass, Lifetime Access Pass, Volunteer Pass, and Military Pass. Be sure to pick up your America the Beautiful pass at any of our Corps projects as the money is directly invested back into the facilities to improve your recreational experience. Get more details about the pass series here.

The Annual Pass is $80, and you will have access to all of your favorite Corps recreation areas and participating federal agencies public lands. The Annual Pass is good for one year from the date of purchase.

Individuals 62 years and older have the choice of purchasing an Annual Senior Pass for $20 which is good for one year from the date of purchase, or a Lifetime Senior Pass for $80, which does not expire. Senior and Access Pass holders also receive a 50 percent discount on campsites at Corps-managed campgrounds.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers also sells their Corps Annual Pass for $40. The Corps Annual Pass gives unlimited access to day-use areas at any Corps project and is good for one year from the date of purchase.

Hunting is permitted in the 1,400 acre Wildlife Management Area in accordance with California Hunting Regulations. The most popular game species in the area are pheasant and dove. Game may be taken with shotguns only.

Expand List item 25680Collapse List item 25680   Camping Reservations 

Expand List item 25682Collapse List item 25682   Fun & Games for Kids
Expand List item 25683Collapse List item 25683   Additional Information

Please help us make everyone's visit enjoyable by:

  • Watching children closely when around water.
  • Keeping your pets on a leash at all times.
  • Keeping fires confined to grills and pits and using only dead and down wood.
  • Maintaining quiet hours between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.
  • Operating vehicles only on designated roads and parking areas provided.
  • Camping only in designated campsites.
  • Helping clean up litter and keeping a neat campsite.
  • Reporting safety hazards to project staff.
  • Reading the project rules, copies of which are posted throughout the facility.

All areas are patrolled by Corps of Engineers park rangers and deputies of the Tulare County Sheriff's Department. If you need help, contact a park ranger or deputy sheriff, or dial 9-1-1.

Corps Recreation Across our Nation

Volunteer at a Corps Recreation Area

State Hunting & Fishing Regulations

Recreation on Federal Lands

Quagga and Zebra Mussel Infestation Prevention Program:​
Success Lake was awarded $349,733.01 in grant funds as part of the 2018-2019 Quagga and Zebra Mussel Infestation Prevention Program. They were able to expand the Quagga and Zebra mussel monitoring program, implement a new education program/contract with the help of mussel dogs and voluntary inspections, perform outreach by distributing educational materials and brochures, and hire additional staff to further expand the inspection program. This project was fully funded by California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways.

Project Documents:
Rules and Regulations: Title 36 - Parks, Forests, and Public Property Chapter III - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Part 327 - Rules and regulations governing public use of Water Resources Development Projects administered by the Chief of Engineers.

Water Control Manual Deviation:

 Finding of No Significant Impact - May 2019

 Final 2019 Deviation Environmental Assessment - May 2019