Former Beale AFB Titan 1-A Missile Complex

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District is investigating potential environmental restoration activities at the Former Beale AFB Titan 1-A Missile Facility as part of the Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) program. 

First and foremost, data collected from our groundwater monitoring wells and soil vapor probes indicate that there is no imminent risk to residents in nearby communities. Groundwater at project location is not used as a water source. 

USACE is following the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) to conduct its remedial investigation process. In 2018, USACE Sacramento District resumed working through the Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) phase, which is where we collect scientifically defensible site information to support the development of a risk assessment and determine the need for remedial actions to protect human health, safety, and the environment. The Final RI/FS reports are expected to be complete in 2024. 

In February 2023, USACE sent letters to property owners within approximately one-third of a mile of the investigation site inquiring about community interest in forming a Restoration Advisory Board (RAB), and again asked for RAB input during the May 31 public meeting. A RAB is one method for community engagement, in which a dedicated volunteer committee meets regularly with USACE about the investigative process. On July 26, USACE announced approval to establish a Restoration Advisory Board for the Titan 1-A project. 

After the completion of the Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study, USACE will work through the following phases: 

  • Proposed Plan: USACE presents its plans to mitigate the risks to public health and the environment. There is a public comment period associated with this phase. Currently scheduled to occur in 2025. 
  • Approved Record of Decision: USACE prepares a Record of Decision, incorporating public comments from the proposed plan, to finalize any potential remediation plans. Currently scheduled to be complete in 2026. 
  • Remedial Design/Remedial Action: Once the Record of Decision is approved, the project will enter the design and implementation phases of any potential remedial action.  

Timeline showing key milestones in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)

Frequently Asked Questions (Click on question to reveal response)

Project Background

The Titan 1-A Missile Facility was completed in 1962 and consisted of three 160-foot-deep missile silos, with adjacent underground and above-ground features including storage tanks, distribution lines, electrical wiring, water supply, communication lines, and wastewater collection facilities. The Titan 1 rocket engines were powered by a liquid oxygen/Refined Petroleum-1 liquid fuel mixture.  

In 1968, the facility was declared excess and dismantled. Placer County acquired a parcel of the former missile complex that same year. Adjacent parcels of the former facility have since been acquired by private owners. 

A private, subsurface investigation in 1991 identified trichloroethene (TCE) in groundwater samples collected from along the drainage swale that passes through the Crocker Knoll property.

In 1994, USACE Sacramento District began a series of remedial investigations of the soil, soil vapor, and groundwater (including monitoring well installations) as part of the Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) program.

In 2001, USACE began operation of a small-scale pilot groundwater extraction and treatment system. The extraction system was composed of four extraction wells, two 50-foot-long extraction trenches, and one 200-foot-long extraction trench. The groundwater extraction pilot test operated for approximately three years, over which time approximately 10 pounds of TCE were removed by extracting impacted groundwater.

In 2002, a Soil Vapor Extraction test was performed at four wells to test soil permeability/vacuum radius of influence.

USACE performed two bench-scale studies in 2005 testing chemical oxidation and enhanced bioremediation effectiveness on site contamination.

Fieldwork stopped in 2009 to investigate other potential sources of the TCE contamination. A project is not eligible for the FUDS program if contamination is caused by other parties.

USACE re-initiated its Titan 1-A FUDS project and associated remedial investigation activities in 2018.  19 new groundwater monitoring wells were added to the 14 pre-existing monitoring wells and 24 new soil vapor probes were installed to begin collecting new data to regularly assess contamination status across varying conditions. 

Next Meeting

Restoration Advisory Board Meeting #3

October 24, 2024
4-6 p.m. 
Location TBD

Button linking to more Formerly Used Defense Sites program information

Button linking to State Water Resources Control Board GeoTracker web page

Button linking to Administrative Record documents

Previous Public Engagements

Restoration Advisory Board #2
July 18, 2024

Restoration Advisory Board #1
March 26, 2024
Meeting Minutes
Operating Procedures

Informational Public Meeting
January 31, 2024
Presentation Slides
Link to Presentation Recording

Informational Public Meeting
May 31, 2023

Lincoln City Council Meeting Presentation
April 25, 2023

map showing locations of groundwater monitoring wells and latest findings of TCE levels
2022 3rd Qtr Groundwater Monitor Well Data

map showing locations of soil vapor probes and latest findings of TCE levels
2022 3rd Quarter Soil Vapor Probe Data

Contact Information

If you have any questions regarding either
the USACE FUDS Program or
the Titan 1-A Missile Site FUDS Project,
please contact:

Sacramento District Public Affairs Office:
(916) 557-5100

Sacramento FUDS Program Manager: 
(916) 557-6884