Restoration Advisory Board approved for Titan 1-A FUDS project

Published July 26, 2023
Updated: July 26, 2023
Aerial photo of Former Beale AFB Titan 1-A Missile Complex in Lincoln, CA.

Aerial photo of Former Beale AFB Titan 1-A Missile Complex in Lincoln, CA.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District Commander has approved the establishment of a Restoration Advisory Board related to environmental restoration activities at the Former Beale AFB Titan 1-A Missile Complex.

A Restoration Advisory Board, often referenced by its acronym—RAB, is a stakeholder group that meets on a regular basis for focused and interactive discussions centered on the environmental restoration activities at formerly used defense sites, such as the Titan 1-A facility in Lincoln, California.

“We’ve seen an extraordinary amount of interest in our Titan 1-A cleanup efforts and the establishment of a Restoration Advisory Board will provide another opportunity for the community to stay engaged and informed on our progress as we work to clean up the site,” said USACE project manager Tim Crummett.

USACE is currently conducting a remedial investigation of potential environmental restoration activities to clean up trichloroethene, also known as TCE, near the Titan 1-A facility, a nuclear missile site operated by the Department of Defense from 1962 to 1965.

With approval in place, USACE will now consult with the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board and begin the process for convening a selection panel that will evaluate and determine formal RAB participants.

According to Crummett, “There are still a number of details to iron out, but we’re happy to confirm that a RAB is coming, and we look forward to sharing more information soon.”

Restoration Advisory Board meetings will be open to the public and the board will welcome suggestions, concerns, and questions from the public; however, selected RAB participants will commit to regular participation on behalf of their community or organization.

“Our goal is to develop a diverse RAB that represents the interests of as many affected people and organizations as possible,” Crummett said.

The Titan 1-A project is currently in the Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study phase, with reports outlining the agency’s findings and potential alternatives for consideration scheduled to be complete in 2024.

For more information on the project, including answers to frequently asked questions, visit

Tyler Stalker

Release no. 23-027