South Pacific Division References and Public Notices
Regulatory Guidance Letters
Regulatory Program Laws, Regulation and Guidance
Federal Register Documents
District Guidance and Agreements
- Minimum Standards for Acceptance of Preliminary Wetlands Delineations, January 2016
- Regional Compensatory Mitigation and Monitoring Guidelines
- Field Level Agreement with EPA Region 9 on Enforcement, September 2009
- Field Level Agreement with USFWS-Sacramento Field Office, March 2010
- Field Level Agreement with EPA Region 8 on Enforcement, September 2010
- Sacramento District Section 106 Guidelines February 2011
- Interagency Understanding with EPA Region 8 on 404(q) Local Procedure, April 2011
- Minimal Information for Section 7 Consultations
- Programmatic Agreement among the Sacramento District, Utah SHPO, ACHP, FHWA, and UDOT Regarding Section 106 Implementation, June 2013
- Memorandum of Understanding between Regulatory Division, Walla Walla District, and Regulatory Division, Sacramento District Designating Walla Walla District as Lead District for Regulatory Actions in the State of Nevada occuring within Boundary Lands of the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of Duck Valley Reservation, within the Upper Owyhee, ID/NV Watershed June 2013
- Memorandum Designating Albuquerque District as Lead District for Regulatory Program Coordination with the Navajo Nation, July 2013
Jurisdictional Information
Aquatic Resources Delineation
Other References
- Discussion of 404(b)(1) Alternatives Analysis, by Yocom, et al, 1989
- Wetland Buffers Use and Effectiveness, Washington State Department of Ecology, February 1992
- Assessing Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Sites to Aid in Establishing Mitigation Ratios, Wetlands, Vol. 22, No.2, June 2002
- Natural Lands Management Cost Analysis 28 Case Studies, Center for National Lands Management, Oct 2004
- Natural Channel Design Review Checklist from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, January 2008
- Engineer Research and Development Center, Environmental Laboratory, Wetlands
- Streamside Forest Buffer Width: A LITERATURE REVIEW, Sweeney and Newbold, June 2014
- Implementing Financial Assurance for Mitigation Project Success, IWR Whitepaper, Mar 2016
- Congressional Research Service Report: Evolution of the Meaning of Waters of the United States, August 2016
- Compensatory Mitigation Site Protection Instrument Handbook for the Corps Regulatory Program July 2016