We are working with the U.S. Forest Service and local community groups to further minimize the impacts to local events on the lake, campgrounds, boat launches, etc. The majority of the time the lake would remain under its current operation with the pool restriction, and recreation will still be permitted on the lake during construction.
We are committed to working with the community, and one of the concerns we are hearing is about reducing the amount of time the lake elevation would be reduced. As a result, under the authorized plan, the lowered pool elevation for construction has been limited to a single four-to-six month window between October 2020 and March 2021.
This takes advantage of the natural low reservoir elevations during the fall and winter months when it is already being drawn down for flood control operation, minimizing impacts to recreation, water quality, fisheries, and socioeconomics, and further reduces the impacts over the entire construction period. More details resulting from this process were released in Supplemental Environmental Assessment #4 in April 2016 and are available here.