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Sacramento Levee Upgrades Overview

Latest Project News

*See individual pages, above, for previous month's newsletters 

Sacramento River Levees Monthly Update (July 2024)

American River Erosion Monthly Update (July 2024)

For previous news stories,
visit our Archive

Contact Information


For more information on
Sacramento Levee Upgrades,
please contact us at the following:



Mailing Address:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Sacramento District
1325 J Street, Room 1513
Sacramento, CA 95814


Reducing flood risk in Sacramento

Greater Sacramento, California, is often considered to be the most at-risk region in America for catastrophic flooding, relying on an aging system of levees, weirs and bypasses and Folsom Dam to reduce its flood risk. But that system, just like a chain, is only as strong as its weakest link. Together, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, California’s Central Valley Flood Protection Board, California Department of Water Resources, and the Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency have made tremendous progress in reducing the flood risk, but more work remains. Through the Bipartisan Budget Act, the Corps has received full upfront funding to modernize Sacramento's aging flood infrastructure. This allows us to more efficiently implement nearly $1.8 billion in upgrades to Sacramento's flood risk management system. The authorized work includes up to: 13 miles of seepage cutoff walls, 21 miles of bank protection, 5 miles of levee stabilization, 5 miles of levee raises and widening the Sacramento Weir and bypass.

Bank Protection Working Group Update

This video from the Bank Protection Working Group Update on 30 April 2024, covers such topics as 30-Year History and Accomplishments of the LAR Task Force/BPWG; Hydrology of the American River Basin/Lower American River; Comprehensive Flood Risk Reduction Approach for the Sacramento Region; Status Updates on Contracts 1, 2 & 3A, and Status Updates on LAR Bank Protection Contract 3B (Sites 3-1, 4-1, 4-2).

Open this Video Timestamps document to follow along while viewing. You can use it to find specific topics and where in the video they are discussed, 

Special Event: Community Conversation regarding American River Common Features

The Office of Congressman Ami Bera and team members from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District held a virtual community conversation regarding the American River Common Features Project erosion control efforts on April 8, 2024.

Watch and listen to community conversation 

View the presentation slide deck 

Current Project Activities

Contract Opportunities

Public Engagements

American River Common Features (ARCF) 2016 Draft SEIS-SEIR

This public meeting explained the AMERICAN RIVER COMMON FEATURES 2016 Flood Risk Management Project, Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement / Subsequent Environmental Impact Report

Presentation Slides

Video Link

The Jan. 10 public meeting explained the AMERICAN RIVER COMMON FEATURES 2016 Flood Risk Management Project,  Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement / Subsequent Environmental Impact Report

Presentation Slides

Video Link

Lower American River Erosion Construction Update (H St to Howe Ave)
May 4, 2023 
The public meeting explained the upcoming  2023 work on seepage/stability Contact 4 and the erosion Contract 2. 

Presentation Slides

Video Link

Sacramento River East Levee Seepage/Stability Contact 4 and Erosion Contract 2
March 21, 2023 

The public meeting explained the upcoming  2023 work on seepage/stability Contact 4 and the erosion Contract 2. 

Presentation Slides

Sacramento River Erosion Contract 4 Draft SEA/SEIR
March 22, 2023 

This meeting covered the American River Common Features 2016 Project Overview, the Sacramento River Erosion Contract 4 Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment and Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, and how you can submit official comments on the project.

Presentation Slides

American River Erosion Update for Contracts 1, 2, 3A
March 16, 2023

This presentation was given to the River Park Neighborhood Association

Presentation Slides

To view previous public engagements, visit our Archive

Recent Documents

Current NMFS Biological Opinion - 12 May 2021
Current USFWS Biological Opinion - 31 March 2021
Fish & Wildlife Coordination Act Report - 5 October 2015
Wild & Scenic Act Consistency Determination - 20 July 2021
Green Sturgeon Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan - December 2021

Note: A public commenter brought to our attention that Section 3.5.2 American River Erosion Contracts 3B North, 3B South, and 4B, in the Draft SEIS/SEIR omitted Figures 3.5.2-11 and 3.5.2-12 (page 3-42). These diagrams have been available to the public in the Presentation Slides under Public Engagements on Slide Number 11. You may also view the link below. These Figures will be added to the Final SEIS/SEIR.
Figure 3.5.2-11, 3.5.2-12
LAR C3B trees upstream 20240216
LAR C3B trees downstream 20240216

Sacramento River Erosion Contract 4 Final SEA - September 2023
Draft SEIS-SEIR Report
Draft SEIS-SEIR Appendices 

Sacramento River Contract 2 Final SEA - December 2022
Final SEA Report
Final SEA Appendices
Signed FONSI

American River Contract 3A Final SEA/SEIR - November 2022
Final SEA Report
Final SEIR Report
Final SEA-SEIR Appendices
Final SEA Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)
Final SEIR Notice of Determination 

Sacramento River East Levee Contract 4 Final SEA/SEIR - Oct 2022
Final SEA/SEIR Report
Signed Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)
Statement of Findings & Statement of Overriding Considerations
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program

American River Contract 3A Draft SEA/SEIR - April 2022/July 2022 (Recirculated)
Draft SEA Notice of Availability (Recirculated)
Draft SEA (Recirculated)
Draft SEA Appendix (Recirculated)

Notice of Availability
Draft SEA/SEIR Report
Frequently Asked Questions

Sacramento River East Levee Contract 4 Draft SEA/SEIR - June 2022
Notice of Availability
Draft SEA/SEIR Report
Draft SEA Appendices

For previous project documents, visit our Archive