• March

    From dirt and dust to blooms and beauty

    Women in science, technology, engineering, and math has become a hot topic in recent years at many schools and colleges. However, less than one-third of people employed globally in STEM fields today are women, according to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. In the United States, that number is even fewer at just
  • February

    Working to safeguard Hamilton City

    2020 wasn’t all sour lemons and acid rain. In fact, December 2020 was an important and successful month regarding Sacramento District’s Hamilton City Flood Risk Reduction and Ecosystem Restoration project.
  • Engineering pioneer remembered during Black History Month

    This February, Black History Month, the Sacramento District celebrates the life and achievements of one of the most extraordinary women in the history of the entire U.S. Army Corps of Engineers—Hattie Peterson.
  • CE-SOHMS shifts responsibility of safety to all employees

    Since 2016, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has been actively implementing a new safety system called the Corp of Engineers Safety and Occupational Health and Management System, or CE-SOHMS for short.CE-SOHMS, which is implemented over three stages, is designed to move away from the traditional compliance-based approach to safety to a
  • January

    From the Navy to the Army: Andra Homer serves with pride

    Have you ever met someone and just instantly felt like they could be your best friend? Someone who’s energy is so contagious, warm, and welcoming, that you just want to bundle them up and keep them close to you all the time? Someone who looks at the world through a rose-colored lens, where every obstacle is an opportunity? If not, then let me
  • Unmanned Aircraft pilots take USACE imagery to new heights

    It was a seriously chilly morning, at least by California standards, when U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District Public Affairs Specialists John Prettyman and Luke Burns arrived with the sun at Prairie City recreation area near Folsom on Dec. 16. It was a perfect day for training. Windless, the sun burning off light ground fog, a
  • December

    Sacramento District quick to adapt in face of COVID

    USACE Sacramento District has a proven track record of facing challenges head-on. When 2020 brought with it the Novel Coronavirus, the District responded quickly to address the needs of a rapidly changing work environment.
  • November

    For the love of engineering

    For Linda Finley, the soon-to-be-retired Chief of Mega Projects Center, a life-long passion for engineering has been a driving force behind her successful career. More importantly, that love for her chosen profession has been part of a long-standing family tradition spanning three generations.
  • Sacramento District Counsel earns USACE highest award

    Al Faustino, District Counsel for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District, has been awarded the Lester Edelman Spirit of Arrowhead Award for Legal Manager of the Year. It is the highest award conferred by the Chief Counsel of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and recognizes the accumulation of accomplishments over the recipient’s
  • October

    So … exactly what is going on out there?

    An extensive construction site filled with steadily churning heavy equipment has sprung up along Garden Highway just past Radio Road. It’s large enough to make one wonder if a new housing tract is underway, but the work is a section – known as a Reach – of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District’s extensive efforts to upgrade and