Archive: 2017
  • December

    Maintaining inventory of Corps dams takes year-round effort

    The Corps of Engineers District Operations and Dam Safety Sections are working year-round to ensure the 17 dams they oversee stay safe.
  • November

    Mommy works in the castle

    Anyone who gets email in the Sacramento District should recognize the name Bonny Croco. Anytime there is a problem with the Corps’ financial management system, CEFMS, Croco is the first to sound an email alert. She’s also the go-to resource for folks trying to learn the ins and outs of CEFMS.
  • October

    The amazing power of fourth grade: FREE parks passes

    Fourth-graders can have FREE access to all federal parks and lands for one year
  • Land surveying or reality modeling?

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District land surveying specialists are using modern technology fused together through some very creative “MacGyver-ing” to cut labor costs, improve data quality for numerous engineering disciplines, access otherwise impossible spots and keep surveyors safe from entering potentially dangerous locations.
  • September

    Corps helps return Native American remains

    A team of experts from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recently helped return the remains of two children to their Northern Arapaho tribe. The children had died at Carlisle Indian industrial School in the 1880s and were buried in a cemetery on what is now Carlisle Barracks, in Pennsylvania.
  • Sacramento District helps develop efficient regional-based permitting for the future

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District regulatory team has worked with civic leaders, federal and state agencies, and conservationists to help shape development and ecosystem preservation for perhaps the next 50 years in a huge piece of California’s Central Valley.
  • Corps parks seek volunteers for National Public Lands Day

    Interested in doing a day of volunteering to help maintain and clean-up the Sacramento District’s Parks? Plan for it now, because National Public Lands Day is coming up on Saturday, Sept. 30.
  • August

    Corps employee nearing half-century of service

    Calvin Foster is the Southern Operations Area Manager for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District. He will turn 66 in September and has served more than four-and-a-half decades, but he's not quite ready to be done yet.
  • The “Can-Do Team” of Bryte Yard

    When staff in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District need quick, professional assistance with a task that seems way outside the box, who do they call? Bryte Yard!
  • June

    Simko named Sacramento District Regulator of the Year

    Heidi Simko, a regulatory assistant for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District, has been named the 2016 District Regulator of the Year and awarded the Randy Snyder Regulatory Excellence Award. She earned the award for her “outstanding reliability, can-do spirit and unwavering commitment to the team and the regulatory mission throughout the year,” said Mike Jewell, chief of Regulatory Division.