• July

    Empowering women in Afghanistan through interior design in Sacramento

    If you took a moment to ponder global security, it probably would not cross your mind that an interior designer in downtown Sacramento could be playing a role in stabilizing Afghanistan. But that is exactly what’s happening. In order to help battle insurgency and keep peace in Afghanistan, Afghan women are currently being recruited for duties in the Afghan National Army, Police and Air Force.
  • Corps geologist learns the ropes

    It’s said a really good geologist needs to know a bit of everything: physics, chemistry, geography, math, biology, engineering … and how about climbing skills that would make Spiderman jealous? Read about Coralie Wilhite, a Sacramento District engineer on her way up!
  • Love for American West inspires Corps regulator

    Protecting the natural resources of Western Colorado is a job that’s tailor-made for Matt Montgomery, a lifelong outdoorsman and senior regulatory project manager for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District in Grand Junction, Colorado.
  • June

    Corps archeologist leads expedition to recover a Vietnam War-era pilot’s remains

    SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Dripping sweat and coughing on dusty air, Joe Griffin prepares to make yet another trek up a rocky hillside. Over the course of a month, he will take this short hike hundreds of times. Luckily, the altitude of Laos’s mountainous Xiangkhoang Province provides a small measure of relief from the heat and humidity. Each trip up the mountain concludes with Griffin sifting through buckets upon buckets of dirt and soil, searching for a clue – any clue – to find the remains of an American pilot who crashed nearly a half century ago.
  • May

    Corps helps Southern Ute Tribe develop wetland program

    Sacramento District regulatory staff in Colorado helped provide training to members of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe in early May, helping the tribe prepare their own wetland preservation program in Southwestern Colorado.
  • Yuba River preservation group shares experience with Corps

    Members of the Sacramento District’s Yuba River Ecosystem Restoration Study team toured the ecosystem restoration project at Hammon Bar with leaders of the South Yuba River Citizens League on May 5. SYRCL and their partners replanted riparian growth on Hammon Bar in an effort to provide habitat for fish and other wildlife.
  • Economist Nick Applegate accepts challenge, achieves Planner of the Year

    Staring into spreadsheets and running countless computer models doesn’t make for exciting news photos, but Nick Applegate says economic risk analysis is central to finding water solutions that keep Californians safe and give the Nation the most value for dollars invested. Read about Applegate’s award-winning work here.
  • Hansen named Sacramento District Regulator of the Year

    Kris Hansen, from our Reno, Nevada, regulatory office, has been awarded the Sacramento District Regulatory Excellence Award for her work in 2015. Hansen was instrumental in completing a complicated permit decision for a new large highway, the Reno-Sparks Southeast Connector.
  • April

    Corps / DWR workshops boost synergy on shared challenges

    Sacramento District hosted a three-workshop series this winter with California’s Department of Water Resources with one goal in mind: clarify Corps / DWR interactions and turbocharge the two agencies’ partnership on behalf of all Californians.
  • Corps a leading federal ecosystem restoration agency in Lake Tahoe Basin

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is one of the leading federal ecosystem restoration agencies in the Lake Tahoe Basin and has worked with local, state and other federal partners since 1997 to preserve the lake’s prized clarity by restoring natural inflows and controlling invasive species. Corps involvement in the Lake Tahoe Basin is shaped by two programs -- the Tahoe Partnership and the Tahoe Section 108 programs.