The largest installation in the U.S. Army Reserve boasts an impressive 165,000 acres of terrain on which to train Soldiers, land C-17’s and do critical live-fire training.
It is located in Central California halfway between coastal Highway 1 and Highway 101 in the Salinas Valley, yet many people have no idea where Fort Hunter Liggett is or that it is a main reserve training post. But the fact is, it is right here in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District footprint.
The reserve training installation is now celebrating its 75th anniversary, and the Corps has partnered with them on improvement and modernization projects ranging from building housing complexes to helping create a net zero, environmentally-friendly training complex.
Jon Revolinsky, resident engineer for the Corps at Fort Hunter Liggett said he enjoys being part of the team providing upgrades to the post.
“The first time I was on Fort Hunter Liggett was in 1978. I’m proud to be able to return and bring upgrades to the infrastructure such as the building of the first unaccompanied personnel housing for the reserves in 35 years and making it a net zero post,” said Revolinsky.
To achieve net zero energy and waste means the installation will create as much energy as it uses and will reuse and recover all of its waste products. The Army selected Fort Hunter Liggett as one of several installations in a pilot program to achieve net zero by 2020.
One of the more modern and ambitious Corps projects is the $62 million Operational Readiness Training Complex.
Designed to blend with the local architecture (historic pre-revolutionary war mission), the Spanish-style complex will consist of three barracks that can accommodate more than 800 Soldiers, a battalion headquarters building, and a company headquarters building.
But the buildings’ facade isn’t the only thing the post will be able to boast about. To help meet the net zero goals, the complex will also showcase the latest in renewable energy technology including hot water generation from solar panels, energy efficient lighting, high-performance glazing on windows to maintain interior temperatures, and a roof designed for future construction of additional solar arrays.
“The project is currently seventy-five percent complete, with construction scheduled to be completed by December – allowing for use of the building in early 2017,” Project Manager Sonia Suggs said. “The team’s goal is to provide a high quality complex to assist our Soldiers in fulfilling their training missions.”
The Corps has played, and continues to play an important role in the history and sustainability of Fort Hunter Liggett.
Some other notable projects the Sacramento District has partnered with FHL on since 2013:
While Fort Hunter Liggett is the principal training area in the western United States for the Army Reserve, it is used for training by all military services. Facility users include the National Guard, the U.S. Coast Guard, the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Marine Corps, and the U.S. Forest Service. FHL is also home to regional training of reserve engineer equipment operators.