Archive: April, 2013
  • April

    Corps plans to modernize military port's piers

    Since 1942, the Military Ocean Terminal Concord – or MOTCO – has been a vital ammunition distribution center in support of the deploying forces during the Korean, Vietnam and Gulf Wars.
  • “Landfarming” sustainably cleans soil at nation’s largest Army Reserve post

    At Fort Hunter Liggett, Calif., the largest U.S. Army Reserve post in the nation, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District is using the sun to naturally clean up soil contaminated with gasoline at a former fueling station on the installation.
  • Fish behavior guides riverbank repairs

    Reducing flood risk in an environmentally mindful way brought ecologists to the Coleman National Fish Hatchery in Anderson, Calif., March 25-27 2013, to surgically implant electronic tracking devices into hundreds of live fish to study their behavior in the Sacramento River system.
  • State, Corps study: One in five Californians faces flood threat

    “California’s Flood Future: Recommendations for Managing California’s Flood Risk,” a report developed collaboratively by the state of California and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, describes for the first time the specific flood threats and their consequences in every county in California.
  • Corps of Engineers helps build 'green' military base for the future

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District is helping build a military base for the future at Fort Hunter Liggett, Calif., one of several U.S. Army pilot installations selected to be net zero energy and net zero waste by 2020. Net zero means the installation will create as much energy as it uses, and reuse and recover all of its waste products. The district is nearing completion on the second of four solar microgrid projects at the installation.