Tag: Corps of Engineers
  • June

    Sacramento District helps Brazil fast-forward their flood risk management

    Brazil’s water-related challenges are similar to those in present-day California, but the South American nation’s approach to flood risk management is more similar to the approach used by the U.S. in the early part of the 20th century. Sacramento District is helping fast-forward Brazil’s efforts.
  • April

    French grad student studies California biodiversity

    When a doctoral student from the University of Versailles needed to understand how America balances urban development with natural preservation, she visited the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District.
  • Sacramento engineer came to America among Vietnam’s “Boat People”

    More than 30 years ago, 19 villagers escaped Vietnam at night aboard a 19-foot bamboo fishing boat and headed into the open ocean toward Hong Kong. Karl Mai, a 17-year-old high school senior, and a few of his classmates were in that boat – leaving behind everyone and everything they knew for the hope of freedom and a better life.
  • March

    West Sacramento levee road ready for action

    On the surface, South River Road may look like any other newly-paved thoroughfare along the riverfront in West Sacramento, California. But when you look deeper, this two-lane, 2,200-foot stretch of road, separating the Sacramento River from residential neighborhoods, serves a greater purpose other than catering to riverine travelers—it has the potential to save thousands of lives during a high water event.
  • New gates for Corps' New Hogan Dam spillway

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District is in the process of refurbishing three Tainter gates at New Hogan Dam in Valley Springs, California.
  • December

    Sharon Caine reflects on a career of determination, mentorship and charity

    Sharon Caine, Sacramento District real estate branch chief, will retire at the end of 2014 after serving the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for 54 years. Most of that time was spent with the Corps’ Sacramento District.
  • Engineers with a rescuer’s heart

    Rescue engineers are specially trained volunteers whose job is to help prevent disaster rescue teams from also becoming victims. Six of these Corps volunteers are from the Sacramento District. Learn more about their challenging role.
  • November

    Music, friendship frame choral conductor’s memories of Sacramento District

    With plans to retire soon, Bob Fletcher can recite from a mental catalog of names, faces and performances that is surely as big as his huge collection of photos and recordings. An engineering tech with the Sacramento District, Fletcher has conducted the district chorus for more than 20 years.
  • September

    Corps parks in California celebrate National Public Lands Day

    Nearly 1,000 volunteers pitched in at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District parks across central California for the 21st annual National Public Lands Day Sept. 27.
  • August

    Sacramento District archaeologist helps preserve “layer cake” of history

    Over 1,900 acres of Northern California property located between Folsom and El Dorado Hills is like “a layer cake of modern history,” according to Erin Hess, an archaeologist with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District Regulatory Division. “This area includes everything from remnants of placer mining, hydraulic mining, dredge mining, dairy operations, roadside inns from the 1800s all the way up to Cold War-era missile research facilities,” said Hess.