image - levee scene in suburban Sacramento, CA

Levee Systems Inspection Status

Most recent update -- Oct. 6, 2014

This interactive list of levee inspections within the Sacramento District may be accessed in several ways:

  • Sort the contents by any subject heading, simply by clicking on the words of that heading (ie: Levee System, Location, Maintaining Agency, etc.)
  • Search using the search window, below, to find projects by name, location, agency, etc.
  • Clear the results of your search by clicking Reset Search.
  • Page through the full contents of the list by using the paging controls at the lower right corner of the table.

By default, this list is sorted in alphabetical order by location.

Enter Search Value:
- without any prefix or suffix to find all records where a column contains the value you enter, e.g. Net
- with | prefix to find all records where a column starts with the value you enter, e.g. |Network
- with | suffix to find all records where a column ends with the value you enter, e.g. Network|
- with | prefix and suffix to find all records containing the value you enter exactly, e.g. |Network|

Click any column header to sort table data.
Levee systemLocationMaintaining Agency(ies)Inspect TypeSystem RatingRehabilitation Program StatusMajor Issues
Pit River at Alturas - Left Bank LeveesAlturasModoc CountyRoutineUnacceptableInactiveAnimal Control
Pit River at Alturas - Right Bank - East of TownAlturasModoc CountyRoutineUnacceptableInactiveEncroachments
Pit River at Alturas - Right Bank - SW of TownAlturasModoc CountyRoutineUnacceptableInactiveAnimal Control
Kern River - Left Bank - BakersfieldBakersfield, CACity of BakersfieldRoutineUnacceptableInactiveAnimal Control, Encroachments, Unwanted Vegetation
Kern River - Right Bank - OildaleBakersfield, CACity of BakersfieldRoutineMinimally acceptableActiveEncroachments, Unwanted Vegetation
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*  Levee system retains active status while sponsor(s) develops plan to fix remaining deficiencies (system-wide improvement framework program)

**  Inspected by Corps-contracted engineering firms, using funding provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

DWR = California Department of Water Resources
MA = Maintenance Area
LD = Levee District
RD = Reclamation District