Archive: October, 2018
  • October

    Employee Spotlight: Uriel Lopez, Jr.

    Please introduce yourself:My name is Uriel Lopez, Jr. I am a recent graduate from Chico State University, where I received my Bachelors of Science in Recreation Administration with an option in Parks and Natural Resource Management. I am a Park Ranger at Englebright Lake in Smartsville, California. I am currently assigned to the Sacramento District
  • Multi-Hazard Tournament game play provides real world solutions

    By J. Paul Bruton and Hunter MerrittIs it okay for employees to spend an entire workday playing games? Well, if they got together to play Scrabble or have a Candy-Crush tournament, the answer, of course would be a resounding “No!” But what if the event that brought these organizations together under the umbrella of gameplay, produced tangible,