Tag: SPD
  • May

    National Guard’s 649th Engineer Company gives and receives during training exercise

    In a win-win scenario, both parties are content with an arrangement or gain something equally.That’s exactly what happened during the California Army National Guard 649th Engineer Company’s annual training at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District’s Black Butte Dam and Lake from April 29 - May 3.The National Guard Soldiers gain
  • No bridge? No problem. National Guard Soldiers bring the solution

    Visitors to Sacramento District’s Black Butte Dam and Lake in Orland, California, had the opportunity to catch more than fish and scenic lake views from April 29-May 3. On one stretch of lake, visitors also caught a glimpse of how the California Army National Guard can create a floating, mobile bridge in a matter of minutes.The 132nd Multi-Role
  • December

    Port of Stockton field trip shows Regulatory team results of their efforts

    The pandemic taught a great many of us that we can do our jobs from home. What we continue to learn is, it is ultimately very helpful to get out of your chairs and go see the results your efforts have produced.Regulatory Division’s California Delta Section for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District recently took that idea to heart and
  • USACE team helps keep America’s jet fighters ready to roll

    You can’t keep America’s air attack wing ready to roll without having jet fuel at the ready as well. That’s why the Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District just completed installation of a new fuel complex at the Fresno Air National Guard Base in Fresno, California.On November 29, personnel from Sacramento District joined military and civilian
  • October

    Did You Know?

    Did You Know ... the Sacramento District has the capability to shoot quality imagery using Unmanned Aerial Systems?Dave Mello, a land surveyor with Sacramento District, is the lead pilot and Aircrew Training Program Manager for the Sacramento District’s Unmanned Aerial System Program. Mello’s team can handle everything from providing photo and
  • January

    Construction slowed by December rains, but on the bright side …

    Dry conditions in California are traditionally a benefit for construction companies looking to continue work through the winter season. This year, however, drought-stricken California received desperately needed rains and snowfall … in abundance. That’s good news for the state, not so good for our crews looking to continue work on the Natomas Reach
  • November

    Flood fight exercise preps partners for real deal

    Major storms like the atmospheric river that dumped record amounts of precipitation across California in late October, and drawn-out storms that cause rivers to rise to flood levels, are of utmost concern for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. After all, a huge part of the USACE mission statement – Deliver vital engineering solutions, in
  • October

    National Disability Employment Awareness Month: Diversity and inclusion fuels innovation

    For Vanessa Niño-Tapia, a civil engineer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District, October’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month serves as a powerful reminder of how far she has come as a person, an engineer and an employee.In 2020, Niño-Tapia was awarded the Sacramento District’s prestigious Hattie Peterson Inspiration
  • Did You Know … U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is a major provider of clean energy?

    You walk into your home and flip a switch. Presto, the room fills with light. But think about what actually powers your home, creating the ability to turn on lights, use your ovens, have air conditioning, and that precious cup of morning coffee …Electricity obviously has to be produced and brought through powerlines to countless millions of homes
  • September

    Rescued bird steals hearts before its return to nature

    Temperatures were pushing 100 degrees by noon in East Sacramento on July 9. Still, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District’s contractors and construction workers made steady progress on the Sacramento River East Levee project, until a contractor noticed something out of place.Among the bustle of activity, contract worker Roberto Navarez