Tag: civil works
  • $141 million on the way for Army Corps projects in Central Valley

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers appropriations for fiscal year 2015 will provide more than $141 million for Sacramento District flood risk reduction, ecosystem restoration, and operations and maintenance work in the Central Valley.
  • Corps releases draft plan to extend riverbank erosion repair program

    A plan to extend a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers program for repairing critical riverbank erosion sites is now available for public review as the Corps and California’s Central Valley Flood Protection Board released their draft post-authorization change report and environmental document for the Sacramento River Bank Protection Project.
  • Corps to review progress on Isabella Lake Dam project at public meetings

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District will host two public information meetings Nov. 21 to provide an update on the Isabella Lake Dam Safety Modification Project.
  • UPDATE: Folsom spillway blasting to periodically close roadway weekdays 1:30-2:30 p.m.

    Through the end of the year, Folsom Lake Crossing will be closed for up to one hour weekdays from 1:30-2:30 p.m. for blasting work to excavate portions of the new Folsom Dam auxiliary spillway approach channel.
  • Corps begins real estate actions for Isabella Lake Dam project

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District has begun to acquire land and relocate residents at two of 12 properties that will be impacted by construction of the Isabella Lake Dam Safety Modification Project. As part of the analysis of the project’s potential effects on the properties, the Corps released a finding of no significant impact and supplemental environmental assessment for public review.
  • Corps of Engineers set to top off new Folsom auxiliary dam Friday

    The last mass concrete for the Folsom auxiliary dam is set to be placed July 11, completing the structure of the new dam. Work will then shift to completing installation of its remaining electrical and mechanical components, including its 12 giant gates.
  • Blasting to periodically close Folsom Lake Crossing beginning July 10

    Folsom Lake Crossing will be closed weekdays during one of three one-hour windows beginning at 10 a.m., 1:30 p.m. or 7 p.m. beginning July 10 for blasting work to excavate portions of the new Folsom Dam auxiliary spillway approach channel.
  • Corps to fill borehole test sites at Success Dam

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District is scheduled to begin work in late April to fill and close borehole testing sites at Success Dam that were drilled to evaluate the integrity of the earthen structure and stability of soil and rock underneath the dam during the Success Dam Safety Modification Study.
  • Corps approves full water storage capacity at Success Dam

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District approved April 11 raising the operating restriction of the reservoir behind Success Dam to the maximum authorized storage capacity of 82,291 acre-feet, or a storage elevation of 652.5 feet. Ultimately, this could mean more water for local users during high-water months.
  • Corps’ chief of engineers signs off on plan to reduce Truckee River flood risk

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Truckee River Flood Management Authority are closer to moving forward with a $280.8 million plan to reduce flood risk along the Truckee River after Corps Commanding General Lt. Gen. Thomas P. Bostick signed off on the project April 11 at Corps headquarters in Washington, D.C.