Corps approves Orestimba Creek flood study

Published Sept. 27, 2013

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Orestima Creek Feasibility Study has been approved by Corps Commanding General Lt. Gen. Thomas P. Bostick – the final level of Corps approval. The plan – now an approved Corps of Engineers Chief’s Report – will next be submitted to the White House Office of Management and Budget and Congress for approval and authorization. 

The study recommends building a levee along the city of Newman’s northwest perimeter to reduce flood risk for the city and surrounding agricultural areas. Currently, high flows overtop the banks of Orestimba Creek, spilling onto adjacent agricultural land and eventually flowing into the city. Newman has repeatedly suffered large floods, most recently in 1998.

The study was recommended for Bostick’s approval during a civil works review board at Corps headquarters in May.

“We have had unwavering support from Stanislaus County, the City of Newman, and the State of California throughout the entire feasibility study,” said Corps project manager Michelle Williams. “It is this support which has led to the completion of this milestone.”

Corps projects require authorization and funding from Congress before construction can begin. If authorized, the project would begin with preconstruction engineering and design work.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District provides planning, engineering, project management, environmental restoration and construction services to military and civilian customers in parts of eight western states, including California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Oregon and Wyoming.


Tyler Stalker

Release no. 13-070