Tag: feasibility study
  • Delta Islands and Levees study releases final EIS for review

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District today released its final Environmental Impact Statement and draft Chief’s Report for the Delta Islands and Levees Feasibility Study for public review and comment.
  • Draft feasibility report for Yuba River Eco Study published, meetings set

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District published a draft feasibility report and environmental assessment today, marking a major milestone in the Yuba River Ecosystem Restoration feasibility study. The draft report outlines a proposed plan to reconnect the Yuba River to its floodplain, create rearing habitat for juvenile fish, create riparian habitat, and facilitate improved conditions for the natural recruitment of riparian habitat.
  • Corps adds fourth meeting to discuss Yuba River ecosystem restoration study

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District has expanded its series of public scoping meetings discussing the feasibility of ecosystem restoration in Northern California’s Yuba River watershed to include a Nov. 5 meeting in Downieville, Calif.
  • Corps to host public meeting Sept. 3 to seek input for Lower Cache Creek study

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District will host a public scoping meeting Sept. 3 to discuss the Lower Cache Creek flood risk management study.
  • $3 million Yuba River ecosystem restoration feasibility study begins

    A federal cost-sharing agreement has been approved between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Yuba County Water Agency, the non-federal partner, for a $3 million Yuba River ecosystem restoration feasibility study.
  • Corps approves Orestimba Creek flood study

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Commanding General Lt. Gen. Thomas P. Bostick approved the Orestima Creek Feasibility Study, which recommends building a levee along the city of Newman’s northwest perimeter to reduce flood risk for the city and surrounding agricultural areas.
  • Corps to outline Sutter Basin feasibility study at public meeting

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District will host a public meeting July 22 at the Sutter County Veteran’s Hall in Yuba City to outline and accept comments on its draft feasibility report and environmental document for the Sutter Basin Pilot Feasibility Study.
  • Truckee Meadows flood study draft documents now available for public review

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District released the draft general re-evaluation report and draft environmental impact statement for the Truckee Meadows flood control project for public review May 24, officially opening the 45-day public comment period.
  • Corps to discuss Delta Islands and Levees Feasibility Study at public meetings

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District is set to host two public meetings this month on its ongoing Delta Islands and Levees Feasibility Study, a cost-shared study with the state of California to address critical water resources issues in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.