• DOJ: Agricultural Developer Agrees to Pay Clean Water Act Fines, Mitigate Impacts to Sensitive Streams and Wetlands

    A California agricultural developer has agreed to pay a civil penalty, preserve streams and wetlands, effect mitigation, and be subject to a prohibitory injunction to resolve alleged violations of the Clean Water Act (CWA) on property near the Sacramento River located in Tehama County, California, the Justice Department announced today.
  • Corps releases final documents for Martis Valley Trail Project Right of Way

    SACRAMENTO, California – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District, has released its Final Supplemental Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Mitigated Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) to construct a portion of the Martis Valley Trail. The approved alternative, otherwise known as the “Lower Alignment,” is an approximately 1.5 mile
  • Environmental report for Marysville Ring Levee utility relocations out for public review

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District has released a draft supplemental environmental assessment for utility relocations as part of its Marysville Ring Levee Phases 2B and 3 work in Marysville, and will host a virtual public meeting December 15 to discuss the document.
  • Tule River Spillway project document out for public review

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District has released a draft environmental assessment outlining phase two of the Tule River Spillway Enlargement Project at Success Lake in Tulare County.
  • Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment for the Martis Valley Trail Right-of-Way Project

    Martis Valley, California – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District has released its Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment for the Martis Valley Trail Right-of-Way Project. The Project encompasses approximately 1.5 miles of paved, multi-use recreational trail that crosses through federal property at the Martis Creek Lake and Dam
  • New Hogan Dam and Lake to open Wrinkle Cove Day Use Area

    Valley Springs, California – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District’s New Hogan Dam and Lake will reopen the Wrinkle Cove Day Use Area to vehicle access beginning October 13, 2020. While visiting USACE recreation areas, visitors are encouraged to practice social distancing and other COVID-19 safety precautions required and recommended
  • Agencies sign partnership agreement to provide flood risk reduction for Stockton

    Representatives from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District, Central Valley Flood Protection Board, and San Joaquin Area Flood Control Agency today signed a Project Partnership Agreement that signals the next step in efforts to reduce the flood risk for the northern and central areas of the City of Stockton.
  • Corps breaks ground on Tule River Spillway Enlargement Project

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District, along with local and federal partners, have broken ground on the Tule River Spillway Enlargement Project at Success Lake near Porterville, California. The project is a cooperative effort between USACE, the Central Valley Flood Protection Board, the California Department of Water Resources, and the Lower Tule River Irrigation District to raise the gross pool elevation of Success Lake, reducing the downstream risk of flooding while also increasing the water supply capability of the reservoir.
  • Sacramento District Projects to resume day use fees

    SACRAMENTO, California – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District will resume the collection of fees at all day use recreation areas beginning October 1. Fee collections were suspended earlier this year when recreation areas were closed due to COVID-19 precautions.The majority of our projects’ boat launch facilities and day use
  • USACE awards first contract for new Alameda VA facility

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District awarded a services contract August 7 to Adanta Inc., of Napa, California to restore a self-sustaining tidal marsh at the site of the future VA clinic on Alameda Point, California. The VA Northern California Health Care System will administer the new clinic.