image - a family of ducks at Pine Flat Lake

Public Notices

Under the Corps' Regulatory Program, a public notice is the primary method for advising all interested parties of a proposed activity for which a permit is sought. Soliciting comments and information necessary to evaluate the probable impacts on the public interest. Public notices are also published to inform the public about new or proposed regulations, policies, guidance or permit procedures.

Public Notices published by the Sacramento District under the Regulatory Program are posted on this page. Once a public notice is available on-line, an email notification is sent to individuals on the appropriate mailing list.

Comments are due by the expiration date of the public notice.  Only comments submitted by email or in hard copy format through a delivery service, such as the U.S. Postal Service, can be accepted.   Comments must be submitted to the address listed in the public notice.

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Archive: May, 2015
  • SPK-2014-01036, Manteca, San Joaquin County, CA

    Expiration date: 6/17/2015

    The City of Manteca, Ms. Karen McLaughlin, has applied for a permit to place dredged or fill material and/or work in approximately 5.42-acres of waters of the United States to construct the Manteca Family Entertainment Project. This project is located near French Camp Outlet Canal, Section 1, Township 2 South, Range 6 East, Manteca, San Joaquin County, California.

  • SPK-1996-50498, Salt Lake County, UT

    Expiration date: 6/5/2015

    ichardson Property 2100 LLC has applied for a permit to place dredged or fill material in approximately 1.55 acres of saline wet meadow and 2.74 acres of playa to provide an area for construction waste material storage from nearby construction projects (ex. Mountain View Corridor and ATK Facility). The 22.65-acre site is located at 6885 West 2100 South, Section 15, Township 1 South, Range 2 West, Salt Lake Meridian, Latitude 40.72432°, Longitude -112.05506°, West Valley City, Salt Lake County, Utah, and can be seen on the UT-MAGNA USGS Topographic Quadrangle.

  • SPK-2002-00561, NOA SDEIS for the Mather Specific Plan Area Project, Sacramento County, CA

    Expiration date: 6/15/2015

    The Sacramento County Department of Economic Development (applicant) has applied for permits to place fill material in 48.3 acres of waters of the United States, including wetlands, to construct a large scale, mixed use development in eastern Sacramento County. The Corps has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) and SDEIS, pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The SDEIS may be found on the Corps website at