Purpose: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Albuquerque, Omaha, and Sacramento Districts, (Corps) has developed mitigation procedures to provide statewide predictability and consistency in the Corps’ compensatory mitigation determinations by standardizing the Corps’ compensatory mitigation procedures for quantifying wetland and stream losses (debits) and compensatory mitigation (credits). This public notice (PN) does not abridge or replace any existing laws, regulations, policy, or guidance that the Corps is obliged to follow. The Corps reserves the right to make exceptions to or modify the considerations expressed in the COMP when doing so is required by law or would benefit the public interest or the aquatic environment.
Authority: 33 CFR 332 and 40 CFR 230
LOCATION: The COMP applies within the Regulatory boundaries of the Albuquerque, Omaha, and Sacramento Districts in the State of Colorado.
Background: The Albuquerque and Omaha Districts issued public notices on May 10, 2019, authorizing the use of COMP v1 within the Albuquerque and Omaha Districts in the State of Colorado. The Albuquerque and Omaha Districts issued public notices on August 22, 2019, extending the public comment period to October 11, 2019. The Sacramento District issued a public notice on September 19, 2019, soliciting public comments on the use of the COMP within the Sacramento District in the State of Colorado. On October 15, 2019, the Sacramento District issued a public notice extending the public comment period from November 19, 2019.
Summary of the changes made: Based on the comments received, the Corps revised the COMP to improve readability of the document, as well as clarify the following: (1) how the COMP is intended to be used by the Corps and when it will be applicable within the Corps’ Regulatory Program; (2) that the Corps will consider ratios greater than one-to-one to account for the factors listed at 33 CFR 332.3(f)(2); (3) that in order for the Corps to approve the case-by-case use of Functional and Condition Assessment Methods (FCAMs) other than those FCAMs that have already been approved for use in documenting or quantifying the changes in functions/conditions, the methods must be developed and calibrated according to the criteria in the South Pacific Division (SPD) Mitigation and Monitoring Guidelines (MMGs); and (4) that the COMP is a non-binding procedure that outlines the steps that the Colorado Corps districts will follow in order to meet its obligations under existing laws, regulations, policy, and formal guidance.
Note: The Colorado Stream Quantification Tool (CSQT) Beta is currently available for statewide use in calculating mitigation debits and credits in streams. The CSQT v1 is currently under development and scheduled to be released by July 2020. Pending Corps-approval, the CSQT v1 will replace the CSQT Beta. Until such time, the CSQT Beta will remain in effect and continue to be available for use in calculating mitigation debits and credits. Permitted projects with debits or credits that are calculated using the CSQT Beta will continue to use the CSQT Beta to meet post-construction permit requirements.
Availability: COMP v2 is provided in this public notice and is also available to the public on RIBITS. Due to security requirements, we cannot link directly to the district page. Please follow the instructions below to retrieve the documents.
- Click the RIBITS link to navigate to the RIBITS homepage.
- On the left-hand side of the page under <------FILTER------>, select the “State” radio button and then select "Colorado" from the dropdown menu.
- On the left-hand side of the page under <------MENU------>, click "Assessment Tools" link.
Point of Contact: For additional information please contact Joshua G. Carpenter at (719) 744-9379 or visit the Albuquerque District Regulatory webpage at www.spa.usace.army.mil/reg.