Tag: Military Ocean Terminal Concord
  • February

    Port Chicago – The most solemn memorial you’ll never visit

    During World War II, where did the biggest loss of life on U.S. soil take place? Most people immediately think of the attack on Pearl Harbor and answer Hawaii. But that is incorrect. Hawaii didn’t even become a U.S. state until 1959. The biggest loss of life on U.S. soil during World War II took place in 1944 at what was then known as Port Chicago,
  • May

    Renovations begin for MOTCO fire station

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District has begun renovating a fire station at Military Ocean Terminal Concord near Concord as part of a larger plan to modernize the installation by 2020.
  • April

    Corps plans to modernize military port's piers

    Since 1942, the Military Ocean Terminal Concord – or MOTCO – has been a vital ammunition distribution center in support of the deploying forces during the Korean, Vietnam and Gulf Wars.