  • February

    A new take on searching for munitions takes flight

    On a recent sunny California winter day, approximately 25 people gathered in a scenic and rural field to watch a demonstration that could change the way potentially dangerous munitions are found. Under the supervision of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District, a team of contractors fired-up a tri-blade, Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)
  • October

    Land surveying or reality modeling?

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District land surveying specialists are using modern technology fused together through some very creative “MacGyver-ing” to cut labor costs, improve data quality for numerous engineering disciplines, access otherwise impossible spots and keep surveyors safe from entering potentially dangerous locations.
  • August

    Sacramento District archaeologist helps preserve “layer cake” of history

    Over 1,900 acres of Northern California property located between Folsom and El Dorado Hills is like “a layer cake of modern history,” according to Erin Hess, an archaeologist with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District Regulatory Division. “This area includes everything from remnants of placer mining, hydraulic mining, dredge mining, dairy operations, roadside inns from the 1800s all the way up to Cold War-era missile research facilities,” said Hess.