  • November

    Flood fight exercise preps partners for real deal

    Major storms like the atmospheric river that dumped record amounts of precipitation across California in late October, and drawn-out storms that cause rivers to rise to flood levels, are of utmost concern for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. After all, a huge part of the USACE mission statement – Deliver vital engineering solutions, in
  • February

    Negotiating a win-win-win

    Many of those in business negotiate deals; if each side gets what it wants, it is considered a ‘win-win’. However, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mendocino County, the California Office of Emergency Services, and survivors from last year’s devastating wildfires can consider the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s recent action a “win-win-win.”
  • January

    Students return to school after Northern California wildfires

    Returning to school after winter break took on a new meaning at an elementary school located in one of the heavily fire-damaged communities in Santa Rosa, California. Students at Schaefer Elementary School, located in the Coffey Park community, returned to their school building Jan. 9 after a three-month absence as a result of the October 2017 wildfires that blazed through their community.
  • May

    District, Goshute Tribe and interagency partners work toward flood resiliency in Skull Valley

    If you want to build resistance to floods, you first need a team with a plan. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District and interagency partners are building a floodplain management plan with the Skull Valley Goshute Tribe in Utah.