Tag: sacramento district
  • December

    Visit to project sites offers Congressman insight on USACE levee work

    Dr. Ami Bera, U.S. Representative for California's 6th congressional district, has earned a reputation as a dedicated advocate for his constituents' safety, particularly when it comes to protecting the Sacramento area from the looming threat of flooding.With more USACE levee improvement projects set to kick off in 2025, Bera recently visited a
  • November

    51 years of service: Calvin Foster’s legacy flows through USACE and his community

    When Calvin Foster accepted a dam operator position at then-Success Dam and Lake in 1973, he didn’t imagine that it would be more than a half century later before his main objective for heading to the reservoir was to deplete its bass population. But something wonderful happened along the way: he found his calling.About a hundred friends, family
  • March

    USACE Shows Commitment to Environmental Sustainability in Stockton

    Before leadership in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers gives the go-ahead on any of the Sacramento District’s multimillion-dollar projects, they ensure that the district has taken proper steps to minimize the environmental impact of operations.
  • December

    Port of Stockton field trip shows Regulatory team results of their efforts

    The pandemic taught a great many of us that we can do our jobs from home. What we continue to learn is, it is ultimately very helpful to get out of your chairs and go see the results your efforts have produced.Regulatory Division’s California Delta Section for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District recently took that idea to heart and
  • USACE team helps keep America’s jet fighters ready to roll

    You can’t keep America’s air attack wing ready to roll without having jet fuel at the ready as well. That’s why the Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District just completed installation of a new fuel complex at the Fresno Air National Guard Base in Fresno, California.On November 29, personnel from Sacramento District joined military and civilian
  • October

    Did You Know?

    Did You Know ... the Sacramento District has the capability to shoot quality imagery using Unmanned Aerial Systems?Dave Mello, a land surveyor with Sacramento District, is the lead pilot and Aircrew Training Program Manager for the Sacramento District’s Unmanned Aerial System Program. Mello’s team can handle everything from providing photo and
  • July

    It Takes a Village at Isabella

    Isabella Lake, California, is the site of the one of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ most prominent examples of partnering. Although it has the USACE name on it, this nearly $650 million investment in flood risk reduction for the southern Central Valley is hardly the work of one agency.
  • May

    Safety is a System at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

    Students employed in various safety and operations capacities throughout several USACE districts learned how to implement a step-by-step process for safety investigations and how this skill was part of the Corps of Engineers Safety and Occupational Health Management System (CE-SOHMS).
  • March

    Flood Control Partnerships for a Safer Sacramento

    In December 1861, as the Civil War raged in the Eastern United States, the young city of Sacramento, California, was fighting its own battle—with raging flood waters. The city’s fight to stay dry continues to the present day, spearheaded by a variety of federal, state, and local agencies.
  • January

    Construction slowed by December rains, but on the bright side …

    Dry conditions in California are traditionally a benefit for construction companies looking to continue work through the winter season. This year, however, drought-stricken California received desperately needed rains and snowfall … in abundance. That’s good news for the state, not so good for our crews looking to continue work on the Natomas Reach