9 reasons to go to Kid's Fishing Day

Published April 5, 2019

Nine reasons you should attend Kid’s Fishing Day :

                                                           1. Try something new

Kid’s Fishing Day gives young girls & boys (and many adults) the opportunity to try something new. Much of the equipment is provided for children, so you don’t have to buy it to try it. Plus, it’s quite the adventure for a young child to be handed a fishing pole and give it a go.









2. Family time

Whether you want some father and son/daughter bonding time, or you want to bring all the kids to an event where they can try something together, KFD is a great opportunity to spend quality time with family.







3. Enjoy nature

If you know you’re not the type to reel in a wriggler, that shouldn’t stop you from joining the family outing. KFD is an excellent chance for you to unplug and unwind while taking in the beauty of one of our beautiful Corps parks.







4. Teach independence

Surprise yourself, and be surprised by your children. While some of the little one’s might need your help, other kids quickly learn they can do it on their own.





5. Teach/Learn patience

What are they (you) going to do when there is no cell phone service available?! Once you throw out the line, it’s your chance to sit down, calm down and practice a little patience.





6. Show what you know

Someday, your little learners might not want to hear what you have to say. KFD offers the chance to get out there and share your skills. Pass on your how-to knowledge, while passing along your generation’s fish stories.






7. Meet Park Rangers

Some of the smartest, nicest people you’ll ever meet wear the green and gray of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Park Ranger.







 8. Win awesome prizes!

As if there aren’t enough good reasons listed here already, the annual KFD features the free drawing of a bunch of really cool prizes. This year, kids won 53 prizes, including three bikes.







9. You might just get hooked on fishing!