Archive: May, 2012
  • Corps begins concrete placement for new Folsom Dam spillway control structure

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers began pouring the first concrete for Folsom Dam's new auxiliary spillway control structure in Folsom, Calif., May 24, 2012. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, together with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and state and local partners, is building the spillway to reduce flood risk throughout the Sacramento region.
  • Utah Data Center construction site evacuated

    The construction site of the Utah Data Center at Camp W.G. Williams National Guard Post near Salt Lake City was evacuated today at approximately 11:30 a.m. local time after a potential bomb threat was discovered by project staff.
  • First-of-its-kind permit supports 175,000 acre Contra Costa conservation plan

    The East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancy and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are pleased to announce the issuance of a regional general permit (RGP) authorizing activities in wetlands and other waters for 175,000 acres under the East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservation Plan/Natural Community Conservation Plan.
  • Corps begins floodwall work at Morrison Creek in south Sacramento

    Contractors for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District began construction this week of a new concrete floodwall along Morrison Creek in south Sacramento. The 3,300-foot-long floodwall will extend an existing floodwall, further reducing flood risk in the area.