Tag: flood risk reduction
  • Natomas basin construction highlights nearly $200 million for Sacramento District projects

    Funding to begin construction in the Natomas basin leads the list of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District projects receiving funds for fiscal year 2016. Nearly $200 million is included for 16 flood risk reduction and ecosystem restoration projects.
  • Corps makes flood releases from Black Butte Lake

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District is making small flood releases from Black Butte Lake near Orland to safely accommodate high inflows expected over the next two weeks.
  • Corps releases plan for restoring project site after new auxiliary spillway completion

    Proposed plans to restore lands disturbed by construction of the new Folsom Dam auxiliary spillway were announced today by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District and Central Valley Flood Protection Board in a draft environmental report available for public review and comment.
  • Information meeting to provide update on Central Valley watershed study

    The Sacramento District will host an information meeting Dec. 16 to share an overview of the Central Valley Integrated Flood Management Studay and discuss flood risk management, ecosystem restoration and water supply project opportunities within the Sacramento River watershed.
  • Florin Creek improvements delayed until spring 2016

    Flood risk reduction work along Florin Creek in south Sacramento will be delayed until spring 2016 as construction would have begun too close to the rainy season.
  • Corps awards contract to kick off Hamilton City levee work

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District awarded $6.2 million to Newland Entities Inc. of Marysville, California, on July 28, 2015, to begin levee construction this summer on the Hamilton City Flood Damage Reduction and Ecosystem Restoration project.
  • H Street levee access remains closed

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District is wrapping up levee construction across Sacramento's H Street Bridge and will need to maintain the temporary detours around the construction areas until project completion expected in September.
  • Final American River levee seepage cutoff wall underway

    It's the end of an era for American River levee work as U.S. Army Corps of Engineers contractors began installing the last stretch of seepage cutoff wall at the Natomas East Main Drainage Canal in north Sacramento this week.
  • Corps to stabilize American River bank from new flows

    During future storm releases from Folsom Dam's auxiliary spillway flows will enter the American River at forces and angles like never before. Even after passing a series of engineered water-slowing features, the combined flows could destabilize part of the river's bank making it vulnerable to erosion.
  • Army Corps, California and SAFCA release draft plans for $1.46 billion in Sacramento levee work

    Recommendations for $1.46 billion in future improvements for Sacramento’s flood infrastructure are now open for public comment, described in two related reports by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District, state of California and the Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency.