Flood agencies illustrate disaster threat, need for preparation

Published Oct. 20, 2014

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District and the state of California's Department of Water Resources are promoting California Flood Preparedness Week, October 20-25, by releasing two video products to improve Californians’ awareness and preparedness for flooding.  


Here are regionally tailored links to 'Where Flood Waters Flow' videos:
Northern/Central California video (4:49 minutes): http://bit.ly/10f1Wtp
Southern California video (5:17 minutes): http://bit.ly/1DtVkVL 

Two of the three videos, focused on two regional areas (Northern/Central, and Southern California), are released and available for publication and distribution. A third video, focused on Coastal California, is being completed and will be made available later in October.

While the videos are targeted to California regions, each video also communicates the same three principal flood risk messages:
1) There is a threat of flooding in every part of California, regardless of drought;
2) Different parts of California are subject to different types of flooding; and
3) In addition to federal, state, and local government efforts to reduce flood risk, individuals need to be informed, aware and take action to reduce their own flood risk.

Why did we create these flood awareness videos?
A report released by both agencies in 2013, California’s Flood Future, provided the first look at statewide exposure to flood risk, while identifying and addressing the barriers to improved flood management. Information for this comprehensive report was received from 142 agencies throughout California. One of the seven recommendations included in the report is to “increase public and policymaker awareness about flood risks to facilitate informed decisions” and these videos aim to achieve that goal.

More information on California’s flood risk and the full 2013 California’s Flood Future report can be found at DWR’s website: http://water.ca.gov/sfmp/ 

Please contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District public affairs office with questions: spk-pao@usace.army.mil or 916-557-5100


John Prettyman

Release no. 14-075