Public meeting set regarding Marysville Ring Levee 2019 construction

Published Feb. 16, 2018
A public meeting regarding refined construction plans for Phases 2A South and 2C for the Marysville Ring Levee project will be held Feb. 28 at 4 p.m. in the Yuba County Government Center, located at 915 8th Street in Marysville.

The meeting will explain updates to the project’s Mitigated Negative Declaration (adopted in 2010 with the initial Environmental Assessment/Initial Study). These document updates follow completion of more sections of MRL design plans.

Phases 2A South and 2C are located along the existing levee south of Twin Cities Memorial Bridge, north of the Yuba River, east of the Feather River and west of J Street, 3rd Street and F Street. Construction is anticipated to take place in 2019.

Comments on the Draft Supplemental EA/IS/MND will be accepted until March 22, 2018*. Written comments may be submitted to: 

David Moldoff
Department of Water Resources
3464 El Camino Avenue Room 150
Sacramento, CA 95821
Phone: 916-480-5412

The 2010 EA/IS, Draft Supplemental EA/IS/MND are available at the Yuba County Clerk Office located at 915 8th Street, Suite 107, and during regular business hours at the Department of Water Resources, 3464 El Camino Avenue -- Room 150 or on the Central Valley Flood Protection Board website under Public Notices.

The Marysville Ring Levee is a joint project of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Central Valley Flood Protection Board and Marysville Levee District. 


*UPDATED -- Comments will now be accepted until March 22, an extension from the originally published date.

Robert Kidd

Release no. 18-006