Corps IDs: SPK-2005-00888, SPK-2000-00414, SPK-2006-00602, SPK-2006-00603, SPK-2006-00604, SPK-2006-00605 and SPK-2008-00795
Applicants: The applicant group is represented by Lennar, City of Rancho Cordova, Investek Properties, Callahan SunCreek, LLC., Grantline & Chrysanthy 220 Investors, Shalako Investors, and Smith Dunmore Venture, LLC.
NEPA Lead Agency(s): US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District
EIS Contractor: AECOM
Description of Proposed Actions: To discharge fill material into approximately 24.18 acres of waters of the United States, including wetlands, to construct 6 mixed-use developments and associated infrastructure within the Suncreek Specific Plan Area. The seven proposed actions are as follows:
(1) Backbone Infrastructure (SPK-2005-00888, City of Rancho Cordova): The Backbone Infrastructure Project, as proposed by the City of Rancho Cordova, would result in the discharge of fill material into 7.58 acres of waters of the U.S., consisting of 4.65 acres of vernal pools, 0.45 acre of seasonal wetlands, 1.55 acres of seasonal wetland swales, 0.16 acre of ephemeral drainages, 0.16 acre of intermittent drainages, and 0.61 acre of perennial streams for the construction of major backbone infrastructure. The Backbone Infrastructure Project consists of major circulation roads, sanitary sewer, drainage and flood control, and water supply. The applicant originally proposed to discharge fill material into 8.36 acres of waters of the U.S. for the construction of off-site infrastructure. The reduction in the proposed discharge of fill material into waters of the U.S. is a result of avoidance of waters of the U.S. for the construction of a sewer line and access road/bike trail crossing on the Shalako property, as well as minor reductions in the proposed discharge as a result of refinements in the proposed project’s design.
(2) Sierra Sunrise (SPK-2000-00414): Lennar is proposing to discharge fill material into 4.68 acres of waters of the U.S., consisting of 1.77 acres of vernal pools, 0.003 acre of seasonal wetlands, 0.84 acre of seasonal wetland swales, 0.008 acre of intermittent drainages, and 2.06 acres of ponds for the construction of a mixed-use development on the Sierra Sunrise property. Additional discharges of fill material would also occur for the construction of backbone infrastructure, which are identified in Section I.b.1. The proposed discharges of fill material associated with the Backbone Infrastructure Project are being evaluated separately, and would occur prior to or concurrent with the proposed discharges associated with this project. Under the proposed action, the applicant would establish a 48-acre on-site preserve containing 3.25 acres of waters of the U.S., consisting of 1.26 acres of vernal pools, 0.17 acre of seasonal wetlands, 1.03 acres of seasonal wetland swales, and 0.80 acre of intermittent drainages.
(3) Jaeger Ranch (SPK-2006-00602): Investek Properties, LLC. is proposing to discharge fill material into 1.67 acres of waters of the U.S., consisting of 1.24 acres of vernal pools, 0.18 acre of seasonal wetlands, 0.15 acre of seasonal wetland swales, and 0.10 acre of perennial stream for the construction of a mixed-use development on the Jaeger Ranch property. Additional discharges of fill material would also occur for the construction of backbone infrastructure, which are identified in Section I.b.1. The proposed discharges of fill material associated with the Backbone Infrastructure Project are being evaluated separately, and would occur prior to or concurrent with the proposed discharges associated with this project. Under the proposed action, the applicant would establish a 40.1-acre on-site preserve and an 18.2-acre buffer area (which would not be preserved) containing 2.79 acres of waters of the U.S., consisting of 1.24 acres of vernal pools, 0.06 acre of seasonal wetlands, 0.05 acre of seasonal wetland swales, and 1.45 acres of perennial stream.
(4) Kamilos Project (SPK-2006-00603): Callahan Suncreek, LLC. is proposing to discharge fill material into 1.61 acres of waters of the U.S., consisting of 1.23 acres of vernal pools, 0.08 acre of seasonal wetlands, and 0.30 acre of seasonal wetland swales for the construction of a mixed-use development on the Kamilos property. Additional discharges of fill material would also occur for the construction of backbone infrastructure, which are identified in Section I.b.1. The proposed discharges of fill material associated with the Backbone Infrastructure Project are being evaluated separately, and would occur prior to or concurrent with the proposed discharges associated with this project. Under the proposed action, the applicant would establish a 24.4-acre on-site preserve containing 2.29 acres of waters of the U.S., consisting of 1.91 acres of vernal pools, 0.14 acre of seasonal wetlands, and 0.24 acre of seasonal wetland swales.
(5) Grantline 220 (SPK-2006-00604): Grantline & Chrysanthy 220 Investors, LLC. is proposing to discharge fill material into 3.96 acres of waters of the U.S., consisting of 2.51 acres of vernal pools, 0.13 acre of seasonal wetlands, 0.59 acre of seasonal wetland swales, and 0.72 acre of ephemeral drainages for the construction of a mixed-use development on the Grantline 220 property. Additional discharges of fill material would also occur for the construction of backbone infrastructure, which are identified in Section I.b.1. The proposed discharges of fill material associated with the Backbone Infrastructure Project are being evaluated separately, and would occur prior to or concurrent with the proposed discharges associated with this project. The applicant is not proposing to avoid any waters of the U.S. A 100- to 150-foot wide drainage corridor containing a meandering constructed channel would be constructed along the eastern property boundary, adjacent to Grant Line Road, in order to maintain hydrology with the ephemeral drainage located on the Arista del Sol property to the north and the ephemeral drainage to the south.
(6) Shalako Property (SPK-2006-00605): Shalako Investors is proposing to discharge fill material into 2.27 acres of waters of the U.S., consisting of 1.67 acres of vernal pools, 0.27 acre of seasonal wetlands, 0.15 acre of seasonal wetland swales, 0.04 acre of ephemeral drainages, and 0.16 acre of perennial streams for the construction of a mixed-use development on the Shalako property. Additional discharges of fill material would also occur for the construction of backbone infrastructure, which are identified in Section I.b.1. The proposed discharges of fill material associated with the Backbone Infrastructure Project are being evaluated separately, and would occur prior to or concurrent with the proposed discharges associated with this project. Under the proposed action, the applicant would establish a 79.6-acre on-site preserve and 11.7-acre buffer (which will not be preserved) containing 10.12 acres of waters of the U.S., consisting of 7.98 acres of vernal pools, 1.03 acres of seasonal wetlands, 0.02 acre of seasonal wetland swales, and 1.09 acres of perennial stream.
(7) Smith Property (SPK-2008-00795): Smith Dunmore Venture, LLC, is proposing to discharge fill material into 1.96 acres of waters of the U.S., consisting of 0.79 acre of vernal pools, 0.01 acre of seasonal wetlands, and 1.15 acres of seasonal wetland swales, for the construction of a mixed-use development on the Smith property. Additional discharges of fill material would also occur for the construction of backbone infrastructure, which are identified in Section I.b.1. The proposed discharges of fill material associated with the Backbone Infrastructure Project are being evaluated separately, and would occur prior to or concurrent with the proposed discharges associated with this project. Under the proposed action, the applicant would establish a 10.42-acre on-site preserve containing 0.93 acres of waters of the U.S., consisting of 0.33 acre of vernal pools, 0.59 acre of seasonal wetland swales, and 0.01 acre of intermittent drainage.
The EIS was prepared as a joint Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The City of Rancho Cordova was the lead agency for compliance with NEPA, and the Corps was the lead federal agency for compliance with NEPA.
Location: On a 1,253-acre parcel in the Sunrise Douglas Community Plan area in the southeastern portion of the City of Rancho Cordova, CA
EIS Milestones |
Completed |
Publish Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS |
13 July 2006 |
Hold Scoping Public Meeting |
26 July 2006 |
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Draft EIS |
5 October 2012 |
Hold DEIS Public Meeting |
23 October 2012 |
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Final EIS |
13 November 2013 |
Complete Record of Decision |
5 September 2019 |
Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS
Public Notice for Scoping
Notice of Availability of DEIS
Draft EIS
Chapters 1-2 Chapters 3.0 – 3.11
Chapters 3.12 – 3.17
Chapters 4 - 7
Appendix A: Notice of Preparation/Notice of Intent
Appendix B: Scoping Report and Comment Letters
Appendix C: Draft SunCreek Specific Plan
Appendix D: Master Drainage Study
Appendix E: Shalako Detention Basin Alternative
Appendix F: Community Park Detention Basin
Appendix G: Stand-Alone Detention Basin Alternative
Appendix H: Regional Water Facilities
Appendix I: Sanitary Sewer Study
Appendix J: Dry Utility Plan
Appendix K: Applicable Rancho Cordova General Plan Policies
Appendix L: Air Quality Modeling
Appendix M: Air Quality Mitigation Plan
Appendix N: Climate Change Modeling
Appendix O: Native American Heritage Commission Contact Information
Appendix P: Peak & Associates Cultural Resources Report (Confidential)
Appendix Q: Updated Storm Drain Demands
Appendix R: Noise Modeling
Appendix S: Supplemental Traffic Materials
Appendix T: Updated Sewer Demands
Appendix U: Master Water Study
Appendix V: Water Supply Assessment
Appendix W: Ground Water Demands
Appendix X: Analysis of Project Consistency with City Policies
Appendix Y: Clean Water Act Draft 404(b)(1) Analysis
Public Notice for DEIS (Drawings/attachment 1)
Final EIS:
FEIS Appendices
Public Notice for FEIS
Record of Decision