image - a family of ducks at Pine Flat Lake

Public Notices

Under the Corps' Regulatory Program, a public notice is the primary method for advising all interested parties of a proposed activity for which a permit is sought. Soliciting comments and information necessary to evaluate the probable impacts on the public interest. Public notices are also published to inform the public about new or proposed regulations, policies, guidance or permit procedures.

Public Notices published by the Sacramento District under the Regulatory Program are posted on this page. Once a public notice is available on-line, an email notification is sent to individuals on the appropriate mailing list.

Comments are due by the expiration date of the public notice.  Only comments submitted by email or in hard copy format through a delivery service, such as the U.S. Postal Service, can be accepted.   Comments must be submitted to the address listed in the public notice.

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SPK-2017-00005-Regulatory Program Workshop – Grand Junction, CO 18 April 2017 Subject: Nationwide Permits, RGL 16-01, and Automated Data Sheets

Published March 13, 2017
Expiration date: 4/18/2017

Announcement of Regulatory Program Workshop in Grand Junction on Nationwide Permits, RGL 16-01, and Automated Data Sheets

When: Tuesday, April 18, 2017, 1–4 pm

Where: Grand Junction City Hall Auditorium, 250 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501

Tentative Agenda:

1. Opening Remarks & Introductions
2. 2017 New & Reissued Nationwide General Permits
3. 2017 New & Reissued Colorado Regional Conditions
4. RGL 16-01 – Protocol for JDs and AR Boundary Verifications
5. New Automated Data Sheets

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District, Grand Junction, CO Regulatory Office will hold the next Regulatory Program Workshop on Tuesday, April 18, 2017 from 1-4 pm at the Grand Junction City Auditorium, 250 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501. The Auditorium is located on the first floor.

Originally established as the “Regulatory Information Forum” in 2006, Regulatory Program Workshops are held periodically to provide the public with information about Corps permit requirements and updates on program execution in the Sacramento District. The workshop is open to all interested parties, including the regulated public, consultants, environmental organizations, and federal, state, and local agencies.

This free workshop will focus on the 2017 Nationwide Permits, Colorado Regional Conditions, RGL 16-01, protocols for jurisdictional determinations and aquatic resource verifications, and the new automated data sheets for wetland delineations. Advance questions are encouraged and may be sent to

Information about Regulatory Program Workshops, including past workshops, can be found at: