Corps parks waive day-use fees for Veterans

Published Nov. 6, 2015

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District is waiving its day-use fees for military veterans, active duty and reserve personnel and their families at all of its parks Nov. 11 for Veterans Day.

"Honoring military veterans is a part of our shared American culture. Continuing the Corps tradition of waiving day-use fees at our recreation facilities is a just a small token of our gratitude for their dedication and sacrifice,” said Col. Mike Farrell, Sacramento District Commander. “I sincerely hope military vets of all ages, and their families, head out to one of our parks to take in the natural beauty of our great nation this Veterans Day."

The Corps-wide fee waiver includes more than 2,800 recreation areas nationwide, including the Sacramento District’s 10 parks in central California.

The fee waiver works on the honor system, only requiring former or current service members to verbally confirm their status as a veteran. The waiver includes fees for launching a boat or use of swimming beaches, but doesn’t cover camping services or specialized facilities like group picnic areas.

The Corps began offering a free Veterans Day waiver to service members in 2006 as a way to honor the men and women who serve the nation and the armed forces.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is the largest provider of federal outdoor recreation in the United States. This is another opportunity to introduce the public to one of the many park facilities owned and operated by the Corps, the majority of which are within 50 miles of a major metropolitan area.

Visit our website at to find the nearest Corps recreation facilities in California.

Luke Burns

Release no. 15-051