USACE fishes for data to help save Green Sturgeon
Lt. Col. Dianna Lively releases a North American green sturgeon she caught during a telemetric tagging expedition on the Sacramento River in Hamilton City, California, October 13, 2023. Lively, the USACE Sacramento District deputy commander, joined district fisheries biologists October 13, 2023, on a fish tagging expedition to gather behavioral data of the North American green sturgeon that migrate through the river every three to five years. The data is then analyzed to determine the degree of impacts USACE civil works projects may or may not have on the species that since 2006 has been listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. USACE fisheries biologists have inserted telemetric tags in 85 green sturgeons over the past four years. Lively caught three sturgeons during the trip which cumulatively measured nearly 19 feet long. The largest, seen here, measured nearly seven feet long. (U.S. Army photo by Ken Wright)