Emergency Maui Wildfire Response
Mark Wingate, Federal Emergency Management Agency debris task force leader, left, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers debris subject matter expert Cory Koger, coordinate with partners in Lahaina, Hawai’i, Sept. 5. The Corps of Engineers team is working with Maui County, state of Hawai’i, Federal Emergency Management Agency partners and others to support survivors in the recovery process following the wildfires Aug. 8. They were onsite to gather information to help the team develop plans as they move forward. The Corps of Engineers will not begin removing debris until they have a signed right-of-entry form completed by the property owner. Cultural awareness of the impacted communities is a top priority for the Corps of Engineers, and they will employ cultural monitors during the entire process to ensure they respect the community, culture and recovery efforts.

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Photo by: Patrick Moes |  VIRIN: 230905-A-LI073-1052.JPG